939s and lightsabers

352 7 1

[Should I get the time, I might start streaming me writing these. I also might make & post art, should I get the time and motivation.

[I don't like schedules, but to keep it simple:
I will try to do one chapter a week
I try not to touch my tech on Sundays, but eh.
I write these in Google docs, first, and then post when I get on wifi.
If I post, it will be 8am-5pm CST [Middle america] on weekdays, most likley. Life is a bit of a whirlwind rn, with school, my bf, and college taking up my time

[Secondly, idk how, But I got to #7 on fursona?!?!? And #10 on changed?!?!? WTF? Thanks to all yall who sit through my shit writing. Nearly 500 reads so far, I hope I can get to 1k by June. Anyways, here's the "new" chapter:

The video starts in purogens POV, looking through the visor again, with the normal HUD elements and such, as well as some text scrolling by on the right side, seeming to be code in C#

The overhead light suddenly goes red, and the emergency evacuation signal goes through the whole site

Purogen: Second time this month....

Purogen stands up, and shears the deadbolt on the door like he did before, entering a hallway

Purogen: Now, right or left-?

???: Who's there-? Off to the left, behind a corner

Purogen: hello?

Purogen wanders to the left, seeing if he can find anyone

???: Who's there-?

Purogen: well, who are you?

Purogen comes to the corner

??? Who's there-?

Purogen: Well if you must know, im-

Purogen steps around the corner saying this, only to find himself tackled to the ground by a large, slick, and spiky red dog

Purogen: Ahhh-!?!??

The 939 instantly tries to bite down on purogens neck, only to find that it is incredibly strong

Purogen: OW!

purogen reaches up and takes the 939's jaw in his pawbs, prying the 939 off

Purogen: Don't bite me-

939: Who's there-?

Purogen pulls incredibly hard, snapping the 939's lower jaw out of socket with a wet crunch

Purogen: There, now you can't bite.

Purogen drops the 939, it's lower jaw hanging limply, but still connected

Purogen: Behave yourself.

Purogen turns around and goes where he came, passing his cell on the way, eventually passing another door labeled 035

Purogen: Considering I am in keter containment, I wonder who this could be-

Purogen goes up to the door and shears the deadbolt, only to be faced with another door, that is a middle squeeze type

Purogen: I always wanted to jedi my way though a blast door-

Purogen focuses for a moment, before a small cylinder grows into his paw, only for him to push a switch on it, as a beam of pure plasma shoots out, contained by a magnetic field, with the color constantly changing its RGB values

Purogen: I may not have any medicorians, as I don't have cells, but that dosen't mean I can't swing a buzzing space sword-

Purogen spins the lightsaber a few times, before stabbing though the blast door and cutting a wide hole in it

Purogen then retracts the lightsaber, and crawls through the hole, his ears catching a bit, as he sees-

*feed cuts*

[Hehehehhe, gotta wait til the next chapter. Sorry for having no pranks for yall, but I diddnt care in the first place. Cheers!

How did I get here-? [Purogen headcanons, SCP, other]Where stories live. Discover now