"Yellow is my favourite colour" (NUZI)

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Uzi sat on the floor of her bedroom, she was surrounded by pages of notes from her weekly classes. After Lizzy 'accidentally' bumped into her in the hallway, Uzi's binder tore- she gathered her notes with help from Thad but was all alone in organising them again.

After half an hour she got a knock on her bedroom door, assuming it was her stupid father here to annoy her- she groaned but opened the door.

"Go away Dad!!" She yelled without thinking, eyes widening as she saw a familiar pilots coat in-front of her.
Looking up slowly, Uzi spotted a nervous seeming N rubbing the back of his head.

Great Job Uzi

Nervously, Uzi took a step back from the door and stuttered "Sorry- Sorry N- I thought-"
She shut up as she heard her bedroom door close. Uzi raised her head to see N looking at her grinning, he was holding something behind his back.

She'd never seen him with this sort of look before, he smiled a lot, but this one seemed mischievous. Like he had a plan.

N slowly stepped forward again, Uzi stepping backwards to try and leave a foot of space between them. N stepped again and she fell back down onto her bed. Uzi could feel the sweat pouring down her visor, and blush appearing. N stopped just before he reached Uzi's bed, and pulled out from behind his back-

A shopping bag.

Wait am I upset or happy about this?

N smiled as he sat down next to her on the bed and reached into the bag "I got you something when me and V raided a mall!"
Uzi blushed harder, pulling her beanie down to try and cover her visor. N was blissfully unaware of Uzis anxiety, and simply reached into the bag.

He pulled out what looked like a small yellow dress. It had a similar structure to her prom dress, with the tight top and knee length skirt, but it was so bright, and so yellow.

She raised an eyebrow as N confidently pushed it towards her. This time her expression didn't get missed, and N frowned. "Do you not like it Uzi?" his voice was shaky and quiet "I should have listened to V, she said it wasn't your colour"

Uzi sighed as she looked at the dress more, aside from the yellow it really was a perfect dress, even the materials felt gentle on her metal hands. N had picked this out for her, he wanted her to like it.

Glancing at his face again, Uzi noticed that N was looking at the floor, seemingly disappointed.

"V's wrong, I love the dress"

N instantly perked up and turned back to his favourite worker. Noticing N's sudden change, Uzi went a step further, "Yellow is my favourite colour N! How did you know?" She chirped.

Uzi was lying, and she wasn't very good at it, but if it made N happy, she'd say whatever he needed to hear.

Smiling constantly growing, N pulled Uzi into a gentle hug, and revealed a small white cardigan and slip on shoes from the bag. Uzi didn't like how they looked much at all, but kept on her happy face as she placed them on her folded new dress.

N pulled Uzi slightly closer, and asked if she'd try them on for her. In response Uzi blushed, but saw the hope in Ns eyes, and agreed.

After reminding N that he wasn't allowed to see her naked. She shoved him out of the room and got dressed.

I'm gonna hate it she thought, putting the outfit together.

She didn't hate it. Actually, it kind of suited her.

The yellow dress hugged her tight at the top. It was a pretty standard yellow, but seemed to glow off her. The skirt was loose and slightly brighter, only a few shades yellower than the Snow White cardigan. Even the shoes that had repulsed her before seemed to shine, capturing the yellow cast on them.

Uzi looked beautiful. She felt beautiful. This was never the sort of outfit she'd pick. N (somehow) did well.

Suddenly the drone spotted something from the corner of her eye. A white ribbon she'd never used- stolen from Lizzy years ago. It had been sitting on her desk unused.

Uncertain, but curious, Uzi tied the ribbon to the back of her hair, it was just visible from the front.

"You can come in now N"

Quickly, N slammed open the door, eyes bright with anticipation. He slowed as he saw Uzi, sitting on her bed nervously, both hands at her sides. N could feel his machinery whirl as his visor glitched. He couldn't help it. She looked amazing, she looked perfect.

"You- you should wear yellow more often" is all he could say, shaking as an error appeared on his screen.

Uzi smiled as her visor lit up purple. She couldn't believe how happy N seemed. They were just friends, but to see N this excited? She'd wear the dress everyday.

Meanwhile the disassembly drone was desperately trying not to overheat. He couldn't do anything but look at Uzi, he'd seen her in a dress before- but seeing him in something he chose- something his colours.
It was overwhelming.

I don't- like Uzi like that? Do I?

Noticing that N seemed frozen, Uzi sighed and stood up. She took Ns hand and gently laid her head down on Ns chest. "Next time, we're getting you purple, okay?" She whispered, looking up at him, eyes shinning.

N nodded aggressively. Wrapping his arms around Uzi one last time.

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