pt. 24: say what you're thinking🧡🫦

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                                  5:03 p.m.

The attendees were all gone seeing as the con closed at 5 everyday, and we are putting away the left out containers of gg.

"I'm not the only one who's starving right?" Yumi looked up at us and got our attention

"Nah I am too."

"You're not alone, dude."

"Soooo we're ordering a shit tone of pizza when we get back the bnb right?" Schlatt chimes in.

"I only eat Papa Johns." I pause and look up at him. Schlatt sighs and puts his hands in his hips decidingly.

"Papa Johns it is." He concludes.

"SIMP SIMP SIMP." Grunk screams.

"SHUT UP THERES PROBABLY STILL PROPLE HERE!" I yell back to drown him out.

"I was on Twitter earlier and I saw a lot of pictures of you guys. If you wanna keep it secret you might want to do a little better." Nick looks over at me and directs his attention to the two of us.

5:29 p.m.

The ride from the convention center to the bnb was very short and we had ordered pizza already too.

"Did y'all bring your bathing suits?" I question.

"Yeah we booked a bnb with a pool for a reason." Yumi grumbled as he was tuned into whatever was on his phone.

"You weren't thinking of swimming tonight, we're you? It's been such a long first day." Nick said asked over to me.

"We should have a pizza pool party!" I said with a large smile across my face. Grunk, Larry, and Isaac looked my way with wide eyes, almost excited; Nick, Kage, and especially Yumi weren't frothing at the mouth over the idea but they weren't opposed.

"I mean come on the sunset is gorgeous and the water will be refreshing." I persuaded.

"We could make a whirl pool and host a sacrifice." Grunk joked as we laughed in unison.

"All in favor of sacrificing Schlatt first." Isaac pointed and stared Schlatt down with eyes of death.

"Why me?!" Schlatt's arms were thrown up in the air in question.

"Because your big a enough offering to please them." Yumi barked.

"Alright okay stop wasting time. Go get changed everyone!!" I was waving my arms like a mad woman trying to get everyone off their butts. The men scurried upstairs and I checked my phone to see the pizza tracker. It's was still being made anyways.

It occurred to me that I would be seeing Schlatt shirtless for the first time and I would be in a skimpy bikini. Just the thought made my heart flutter and my cheeks flush. He's a tall, broad man, he has the build I'm most attracted to to be quite honest. I know none of the guys would be disrespectful seeing I'm the only woman, we're all comfortable with each other. But the self consciousness is kicking in too now... what if he doesn't like my thick thighs? My wide hips? The stretch marks on my breasts? What if he doesn't like me anymore...?

I quickly swat all the negative thoughts out of my head. I was overthinking, as usual.

I run upstairs myself to change into one of my favorite bikinis and as I approach the top Isaac walks out of his room.

"You're not even changed! You hypocrite!" We giggle then I depart to my room to change.

5:35 p.m.

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now