pt. 19: little rockstar girl🤘🏼🩷

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"You shouldn't have.. really your shouldn't have..."

"It's okay. I'm not scared."

"Well I am. Did you even think about who else was in the room?? WHO IS WAITING ON THE OTHER SIDE?!?"

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't need to you be sorry I need you to think about your actions before you execute."

"I just wanted to tell you that I believe you in you. I admire you."

I saw a beautiful sincerity in his eyes as he gazed at my glittery features in the dim lighting behind the curtains and ribbons. As the neon lights flashed my anxiety was building by the second.

"3!!" The crowd shouts.

"There's no sense in explaining now.. Schlatt and I have some things to work out- and in a good way that is- but now we have THIS to discuss as well." I say as I turn to the guys, trying my best to explain with tears in my eyes and crackling voice from the emotions.

"Y/n , I didn't mean to." He says taking me by the shoulders.

"I know you mean well, I don't doubt it. It's just that the care, actions, and perfect timing paired up and made disaster."

"Y/n, you don't have to explain anything to us. It's obvious anyways." Nick comes over and wipes the rolling tear off my rosey cheek."

"2!!" The excitement is whirling through the air.

"To catch you guys up in the mean time, here's a little synopsis."

I take Schlatt's hands, place them on my waist as I reach my arms over his neck and pull him down into a kiss in front of everyone. With one arm wrapping around my back and his other holding the back of my neck, I felt passion. This kiss was planned (at least for me), instead of an impulsive make out session. There were feelings of care. I've never been kissed like this before. I have kissed guys, but this was a new kiss. A kiss that means something more.

This feels so right. In every way possible.

"1!!" The crowd is basically freaking out as well as all my friends backstage at our kiss. The guys hooting and hollering sent me into giggles, crashing into Schlatt's chest for a hug. This wasn't how I imagined us revealing our romance but it was fun, and kinda cute:

Little rockstar girl falls in love with big gamer business guy. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?

"Go be the star you were born to be, Y/n. You mean everything to them, and me."

Schlatt pulls me into one more kiss before sending me on my way to ascend up the steps to the stage to a beat that rocked the house.

It's showtime baby.

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