pt. 21: i made something for you💎

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While exiting the stage in a black out and blazing electric guitar, the roar of the people raged and echoed in the convention hall. It was almost a blur, I only remember bits and pieces of the jokes I cracked and the notes and riffs I hit. The only thing I can think is 'i just wanna do it again', and then I remember, I get to do it all week!

Once I come down the small set of stairs, I wait at the bottom to give thanks and kudos to the band that played with me. I myself was truly astounded at these people, I mean 2 of them JUST graduated high school- they have some raw talent and if I ever make it big, I'm definitely hiring them to tour with me.

After I ride out my high and walk farther towards backstage I see Schlatt with the most stupid smile I've ever seen him possess.

"I'm proud of you, sweetheart." He mutters while wrapping me in a big bear hug that makes me giggle, it still gave me butterflies despite how exhausted I am.

The smell of the chemical fog and confetti canon fumes were getting to me. We were standing there in a hug for a bit and I notice his cologne as my head was resting against his chest. It's soothing but sexy.

"Sooo, you weren't nervous to perform infront of 2,000 people at once or..?" Schlatt asks me as he picks his head up off of mine and holds my face. He's so endearing and cheesy.

"I mean I had excited butterflies but that's about it. I've done streams with 30,000 and 7,000 in front of a live audience. My adrenaline is through the roof right now though. I'm sweating sooo badly." I make myself laugh and he picks me up anyways.

"I don't mind." He says nonchalantly.

I think in my head, he's carrying me with one arm... is this guy secretly jacked or something?

We quickly approach the rest of the group chat guys and he puts me down gently. I take my time giving hugs to them seeing that we were so close. Nick was the main reason why I got here. He helped me take off and we over all we were just closest next to Larry and I.

"I need to change into my meet and greet outfit. It's time to retire this thing, it has got to GO." I exaggerate, motioning my hands all over my torso. The amount of bling bedazzling my body right now was enough to make the sun itself go blind. I honestly loves the fit, but if I was going to be walking around here for another 6 hours, I need to be more comfortable.

                                   1:47 p.m.

Now that I've tamed the fabric that embraces me, it's time to head to the v.i.p. lounge for some refreshments becaus sun still flushed and I need something to get my energy levels up.

"Get a load of this basic chick." Isaac mocks as I meet them at them all outside the stage area.

"Have you looked in the mirror Mr. I'mScaredToFaceReveal . Face masks are so 2020, loser." I retort with attitude.

"No one's called me loser since middle school."

"Maybe not to your face, dork."

We walk into the lounge and hear laughter accompanied with smiles, hugs, hand shakes, photo shoots, and some of the younger creators were making tiktoks.

My eyes easily move toward the dessert table seeing as I have a hereditary sweet tooth. Nick goes off to get us all drinks while Schlatt and I part ways to sit on a sofa.

"Are you ready for tomorrow? I'm excited for you." I ask.

"Define ready. I don't think you understand how much I truly admire you. I'm shitting bricks. Watching you kinda took away my worries so I guess I'll just take your body language advice. Speaking of your body, I-"

"Here's your 7&7, Y/N." Nick walks over with two drinks in his hand.

"Extra whiskey?" I ask.

"Always. And a bud lite for Schlatt." Nick smiles at us and leaves quite quickly. I wonder he thinks Schlatt and I don't want to be bothered.

"But like I was saying you're one of the most-"

A young girl, about the age of 16, approached us with a shy but enthusiastic aura. I couldn't tell who she was excited to see, maybe it was both of is.

"Y/N, um, you probably- uh, definitely don't know me but I'm SincerelySerenity. You're the one who influenced me to get out of my comfort zone and start singing online. I made this for you as a gift of my gratefulness."

Serenity is one of the sweetest girls I've met since I've got here. I had tears welling in my eyes as she handed me a glittery homemade box. Inside was a lovely hand crafted bracelet with music note, microphone, and diamond shaped charms.

"Here, I hope it fits just right." She takes the bracelet out of the box, takes my hand and slips it on. She adjusts it to my wrist perfectly.

"Do you like it?? It took me a few hours to make. While I was working I was listening to all of your songs, I love singing to all of them. They allow me express myself-"

I cut her off with a big hug. Normally I would ask fans if they wanted to be hugged but Serenity touched my heart. She hugged me back which was sweet. We part and I hold her shoulders as if she's my younger sister.

"May I just say you remind me so much of myself. And actually, I do recognize your sweet sunny little face. I've seen you on my for you pages and trending on YouTube. You have raw talent, honey."

"Are you performing, Serenity?" Schlatt finally joins, genuinely engaged in our conversation.

"I get to sing in one of the conference rooms. They're saying they have about 100 people coming which is plenty for me."

"Well, you can count on the Group Chat guys, Schlatt and I to be there. I think you're gonna make it big, kid."

"You can't be serious... this is the greatest day ever! Thank you, Y/n, for everything!!"

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now