pt. 9: proverbs 31 woman✝️

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Now having butterflies, well fed, dressed and hair done, my self confidence had sky rocketed. The guy I like called me hot- that doesn't happen often for me. I don't date often either. I only date to marry. Both guys I've ever gone out with (don't laugh at me) I was sure we were compatible. Both of which who cheated on me; one ended up getting caught in legal issues and the other had twins with his side chick. God had other plans I suppose.

Justine and I get comfy in the car for the ride to the airport. I was always a little nervous about flying, and I never quite understood why.  Go figure I can perform infront of a thousand people but I can't sit still in a seat in business class. Justine notices my uneasy restlessness as I tilt my head from side to side trying to shake the anxiety way.

"Y/n we do this every time. Just think of the excitement of when you see them for the first time at the terminal."

"Yeah but that will be in 7 hours from now. It's a shame I can't strum my ukulele onboard."

"Yeah but how funny would it be if you stood up randomly and shamelessly plugged your music?" Justine jokes around.

"And then one of the flight attendants come over the intercom all like 'may the crazy music lady take a seat you're disrupting the peace with your ear raping music.'" I say mockingly, making myself feel better with the help of Justine.

"Imagine he sounds like Squidward though- all grumpy." We end up cackling and just continuing on our little scenario all the way there until we're at the drop off area.

"Thank you so much for all of your help and support through these last few weeks with planning and all. I really do appreciate you, Justy." I say pulling her into a tight hug as she's the sister I never biologically had.

"Seriously, we'll be there for each other always. Your situations are mine, and mine are yours. Just know you'll never walk through anything alone." She tenderly assures. What did I do to obtain such a friend like her?

I strut into the port, bags ready and all as I prepare for the long and boring part, baggage check and security. I do own weapons, one glock 19 and 21, and a few pocket knives to be exact, but I wouldn't dare take them on a plane, so I know I'm all good.


I sit there waiting at the ternimal scrolling through my Twitter mindlessly until I see a tweet from Schlatt.

Jschlatt: about to meet y/stage/n for the first time kinda nervous.

I sit there and giggle to myself, remembering our call early this morning, still making me all giddy. As I'm sitting there I conjure up a tweet right back at him

Y/t/n: im about to learn how tall 6'3 really is kinda nervous I mean what is this- David and Goliath?

Jschlatt: I see your Bible references Miss y/stage/n

Y/t/n: I dabble in the Word of the Lord

I decide to tweet something at him that I know will make him happy, and maybe even turn a little red.

Y/t/n: @ jschatt , im a Proverbs 31 woman, don't you know?

Soon enough I'm on a plane, headed towards San Francisco. This weekend will be epic.

This is another filler (almost!). I didn't want to skip directly into the meeting. I hope you guys enjoy! I'm not good at writing gradual romance, so this is an experiment pretty much. Thank you for reading and stay tuned for part ten!

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now