pt. 12: let's ditch this popsicle stand🤭

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"I like the way you think." He says, ordering two double shots of Whiskey.

"To... I got nothing." Holding up his shot glass to mine in a poor attempt to toast.

"For someone who drinks consistently you suck at this."

"I'm a lone drinker- Damn that sounded depressing."

"No worries, I'll be your new partner. To two paths crossing at the right time. To new beginnings and exciting adventures." I say looking into his eyes and he smiling back. This guy is so corny- I mean so am I with the toast.

We clank our glasses and down them.

"Wanna split my fry?"

"I couldn't. I'm waiting for a fillet mignon anyways."

"Are you suuuure..?" I tease, slowly pushing the basket towards him.

"If it makes you happy." He takes one And pops it in his mouth.


As I down my third shot of whiskey, I'm feeling good. I'm not drinking for any bad reason, I'm just genuinely happy. I'm just having fun. I mean I'm across the country from my hometown, getting ready for a week long convention full of up-and-coming music creators, such as myself with all my friends, and the guy I really like is sitting next to me, obviously flirting.

"So we wouldn't wanna go bar hopping tonight, would we, fellas?" Isaac asks with a suggestive smirk.

"Y'all can't. I gotta rest up the chords. If you guys want to party, Shae and I can go back to
the bnb and I could pick some of y'all up later."

"Sounds like a plan!" Tanner chugs his 3rd beer.

"Eh, I was kinda looking forward to staying out. Sorry y/n." Shae says with a sincere look.

"It's totally fine, I'll probably just do some composing for my new single." I admit. As much as I love to party, tonight was not the night to let out the tiger in me.

Schlatt proceeds to stand up and wrap his arm around my shoulder. Not in a tipsy, weirdo way, but in a sweet flirty way that I found attractive.

"When you want to leave, just let me know. I don't trust any of these guys to drive me home especially since they don't have as much experience as I do while intoxicated behind the wheel." We both chuckle and head over to the table with the rest of the group as the waiter comes over with two huge platters on entrees.

"Have you seen the line up for the afternoon premiers? Lovejoy is going to be there."

"I thought that was next Friday-"

"Isn't Xanakin supposed to show up too?"

"Imagine if Packgod and Leg were still together. That would make one mean concert."

"How sick would it be if they actually collabed again?"

Small chatter swam through the air. I chime in at everyone's different conversations while keeping a close eye on the time as I feel my eyes start to droop. I could tell I wasn't even tipsy, just the jet lag catching up to me.

"Y/n, you alright? Something on your mind?" Larry asks kindly.

"No actually. Just thinking about tomorrow. The biggest worry I have is a wardrobe malfunction which I know is just me over thinking."

"There you go! You're your own therapist."

I turn to Schlatt to take up his offer. There was no way I was going to make a lowsy first impression in San Diego this week.

"I'm gonna bounce. I have chords to mix and an outfit to prepare."

"Your wish is my command." He responds causing a mild scene with 2 or 3 of the guys catching a glimpse of Schlatt's soft side.

"I'm gonna order a side of friend mushrooms for the night in, care for anything else?"

"Make that two." He says smiling.


The both of us walking out with food in to-go boxes in hand, we look over our shoulders and wave farewell to the group. We most likely won't see them until the morning anyways.

This evening in San Diego was a chilly one which is quite rare (I've been tracking the weather here for a few weeks just to get an idea for outfit plans). Me knowing this, I *ahem* casually "forgot" my jacket so Schlatt could pull the classic first-date move.

I cross my arms on my chest, asking him to carry my box as I try to "warm myself up".

"Are you alright? You look a little cold." He chimes in, right on cue.

"Yeah I'm okay. It's just that I expected tonight to be a little warmer considering summer is just around the corner."

"Hey, take mine. You can keep it if you want."

He wants me to keep it too? Already?

"No it's alright. I don't want to be a burden."

"Quit being modest and take it." He takes off his nascar patch jacket with a sigh with a smile.

He knows what he's doing, fully aware, but I wanted to see how far I could take this.

"I'm in the mood to drive. Care to take the backroads?" I question.

"I'm not going to let you drive-"

"Why not? Trying to be such a gentleman, now are we? First it's 'take my jacket' and now 'allow me to drive'?"

This made his face flush red and was totally adorkable. Yes, you read that correctly.

He reaches into his pocket and takes out the keys and throws them practically at me in a playful way.

We switch sides of the car and I get in and turn it on, making sure to rev the engine once or twice just to get a kick out of him.

"Pull up the bnb on the GPS again." I say as I look over at him and take off his Yankees hat and put it on my head backwards.

"What the hell-"

"You should leave your hat off more often, ya know?" As I run my fingers through his hair.

He stares me directly into my eyes, not in a death stare kind of way, but an "I just wish I could kiss you" kind of way, which is way more than I expected him to respond with.

This man who is know for being harsh and blantant is appearing to be extremely submissive under my "spell".

"You know what you're doing and it's hot."

"Doing what.?"

"Oh so now you're gonna make me look like a fool because you're playing coy-"

"What's life without a little fun?"

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin