pt. 5: something extra for your travels💚

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Just as Schlatt hung up Isaac tagged you in a tweet. Probably something about Sky High or hinting at our appearance.

Isaacwhy: @ y/u/n will be committing tax fraud as well as promoting underage drinking at Sky High this weekend. Prepare your party pants people.

You begin mildly wheezing at the absolutely out of pocket comment from him and begin conjuring up something even better.

y/u/n : @ isaacwhy is proud to present his rendition of the star spangled banner as well as his cosplaying as Pope Francis this weekend at 5:93 am pacific standard time. Be there or be square.

Whilst walking up the steps to Jaxon's room to check out his  * mad skillz *  in Mario Kart, you then snap back to reality as much as humanly possible with packing and lyric memorization on the brain. This trip was going to be exciting, but meeting your long distance friends would be exhilarating.

There was something about Schlatt that drew you in. His humor was similar to yours: sarcastically combative. You guys had known each other for months. He had invited you to his dodgeball tournament but you had a small gig for your own original music in a local park amphitheater that same day, and you had spent way too much money on renting out for that matter. Besides you would've made more friends and maybe even gotten closer to Schlatt himself if you had went. There will always be next time- this weekend that is.

"Y/N!! Look I did it!!" Jaxon declared proudly.

"I never doubted you for a second sport. I'm proud of you. How about a victory dance?" You say without hesitation knowing that no kid could resist a victory dance.

You both do crazy little jigs around the room that end up turning into a dance battle.

The front door opens up, alerting your ears. It must be Mr. and Mrs. Moreau.

"Hii Weston baby!!" Mrs. Moreau says in a baby talk voice upon seeing his in his bouncy seat watching Cocomelon on the TV. Madyleine was sleeping peacefully, trailing light little gums during her slumber.

"Hi mommy!" Jaxon y'all's as he runs with his switch all the way down the steps and through the corridor.

"Hey sweetheart! Did Miss you and Miss y/n have fun?"

"Of course we did! We had a yummy snacks and we had a dance bettle and- OUU we got to run around looking for Leafy-"

"Hehehe they don't need to know everything Jax.." You chuckle through your teeth, embarrassed.

"She got out again? Jaxon, did you take her out of her cage?" Mr. Moreau interrogates.

"No... why would I do that..." Jaxon mumbles, avoiding eye contact.

"It's okay y/n. She's escaped our sight in this house many a time since we got her. Don't sweat it." Mr. Moreau assures, taking the weight of guilt off your shoulders.

"Your little angel has been sleeing for about an hour now uninterrupted. This time I got her to fall asleep without a bottle so if she's a little fussy when she wakes up, she may just be hungry." You say, letting them know your progress.

"I've got to say, you're a blessing to this family, y/n. I don't know what we would do with out you. No one else could handle Jaxon's spontaneous nature and Weston's picky needs at the same time- and those sitters didn't even have the newborn to deal with either." Mrs. Moreau exclaims with gratitude.

"I'm glad I'm able to help you guys as much as I can, and I appreciate that, really. And speaking of availability.. I'm afraid I won't be able to babysit for about a week or two due to my away trip this weekend." You admit feeling accomplished and proud.

"That's right! How could we forget Sky High! That'll be no big deal. You've gone out of your way for us, the least we can do is skip some meetings. Besides, it would be nice to take a break from the stuck-up snobs." Mrs. Moreau blatantly blurts.

"Hahaha! No I get it really, my old friends were entitled too. Its a power kick thing. People think Money equals Power, and in some cases, it does." You speak truth.

The Moreaus were undoubtly extremely well off financially, but they were so humble and down to earth- they were so welcoming and sweet. You like to jokingly say that Mrs. Moreau was your second mom.

"I really appreciate you guys. The kids and I always have fun, and you guys get freedom. It's a win win!" You say as you accept a hefty amount of cash for the job well done, per usual.

You put on your shoes, grab your belongings and you get escorted to the door.

"For your traveling fees, I added another hundred or so in there." Mr. Moreau admits on the downlow as you step out of the house."

"Oh my- oh you did NOT have to do that-" You say feeling bad.

"Hey. Take it. Best of luck in your performances." He says refusing the cash back.

"God bless you." You say suncerely, gripping it tighter."

"Safe travels." He says, waving upon your exit.

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now