pt. 17: mindfulness ☁️

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{ A/N: the following technique has helped me before going on stage for performances irl and is very good at controlling anxiety/panic attacks bc it refocuses your breathing and it gets you out of your own head. It was recommended to me by one of my friends who frequently goes to NYC for broadway acting classes and has helped her too! Give it a shot!                                  -With love, Lena💗}

"So you're gonna take your hand and place it in front of you nose, and lightly press your thumb against your nostril. Then place your index finger (pointer finger) on your forehead and slide it across your skin. While doing that, take deep breaths and really focus on filling your lungs. It will take your mind off of your surroundings because your focusing on moving your finger and breathing at the same time! I recommend closing your eyes too. It helps to isolate your mind for the time being. I also like to pray. Just saying."

Schlatt tried it with a reluctant attitude.

"I'll do this for you." He says quietly.

"I'm being serious here! Try it out."

After about three deep breaths he opens his eyes back up.

"Try it with the other side." I suggest to secure calmness."

"Any better?"

"What kind of sourcery-"

"It's called mindfulness! It gets you out of your head of worries and back into the world around you with your feet on the ground instead of your head in the sky."

"I do appreciate that. Thank you."

"It's seriously no problem." I say wrapping him in a hug that felt beautiful. He's so sweet, and bo one else knows it but me.

"I admire you, Y/n." Schlatt says, rubbing my back tenderly.

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now