pt. 4: lil mischievous munchkins👼🏼

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Bahaha why is this story so hard to write for meeee. I have school and work and theater and homeschool certification crap to take care of lolz

I told Jaxon to try and reach a new high score on a game on his Nintendo Switch. Boom, one child taken care of.

I walked over slowly to the crying one to retrieve the animal. This thing jumps on to the coffee landing on the remote thus turning up the volume thus scaring little Mads even more.

I picked up Weston and give him his juice bottle that was knocked over on the carpet with only a little spilled and put him in his highchair with some gummies sprawled out on the tray.

I knew that all of the doors and windows were locked so Leafy was the least of your concerns.

Madyleine still crying, I felt bad that she was the last one you took care of, but I couldn't cradle her and put Weston in his chair at the same time.

Her blanky unswaddled and tears rolling down her face. It made me a little upset too, seeing this precious little one in such distress.

I wrapped her back up in her blanky and decide to carefully look for Leafy while holding her close.

Low and behold, Leafy, a 14 inch long chameleon on top of the fridge. I stand there perplexed for a moment or two until I grab a kitchen chair to stand on and a little strawberry from the fridge to lore her down.

Cradling a swaddled baby and rescuing a reptile in distress was going to be hard but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle or anything like I haven't done before.

My phone started to ring - I didn't know who to think it was; it could be Justine to FaceTime the kids as she always does, or mom just to check up on me and see how things are going, or maybe Isaac and Nick to discuss the plans for Sky High for this weekend.

Holding both Leafy and Mads in my arms I step down from the chair and gently lay her back on the couch, surrounded by pillows to ensure both safety and maximum comfort.

Phone still ringing, I hastily run towards it to see Schlatt calling. What could this dude want with me? We barely know each other. I wonder if he'll be at Sky High this weekend- SNAP OUT OF IT- ANSWER IT.

"Yo" I answer awkwardly as if I wasn't cradling a chameleon.

"Why am I seeing your ear right now?"

I take the phone off of my ear and realize it was FaceTime instead of call.

"Right- I'm babysitting right now so I just wanted to make sure I could here you over all the noise." I said trying to cover it up.

"It doesn't sound noisy to me. Maybe it's all the voices in your head." Schlatt says with a small wheeze as he laughs at his own joke.

"SHHHH I've got a sleeping baby right here. You can laugh at yourself the next time you look in a mirror, just not right now." I say as I point the camera toward Madyleine.

"Are you cradling and lizard?" He questions, deflecting the obvious come back thrown at him.

"It's clearly a chameleon you dip wad; her name is Leafy, fyi." I say in defense trying to look smart.

"Chameleons are a type of lizard. I should know a thing or two about reptiles. I had a bearded dragon growing up."

"Gee, thanks for the unwanted lesson Bill Nye." I say bashfully. Why must I be this way?

"Someone's gotta teach you something to fill all the empty space in your head." Schlatt chuckles.

"I'm laughing so hard you're so funny. No for real what's up. No sense in calling if you're gonna insult me." I say, curious as to why he called me out of the blue.

"Yeah, ahem, right- I was just wondering if you would, uh, you would be at Sky High this weekend." Schlatt said hesitantly.

"You were there in the call when Isaac and I were rehearsing- yes I'll be there." I say with a wonky smile and chuckle, wondering what his actual intentions were.

"For sure, for sure, I knew that. Right." He says turning red.

It's so out of character for him. What's up with this guy?

Silence peaks for a moment or two as I go over and check on Madyleine. I prop the phone up so he can me both me and baby. He releases a vibrant smile.

"You're good with kids, aren't you..?" He asks as he watches you care for Madyleine.

"I've always loved the little ones. So sweet and innocent. Their lives revolve around how much fun they can cram into every moment and life is just a game. They're trying to find their way like the rest of us." I say, accidentally pouring my heart out.

"Not to mention the amount of chaos they come with- UGH. Little mischievous munchkins is what I like to call them." I conclude.

"Will you be there? Are you working on any music projects I'm not familiar with?" I ask, genuinely curious.

"Me and music is like mixing eggs and peanut butter, they don't go well. I'll tag along with the Group Chat though." He admits.

"You've got one hell of a voice though. You're singing is angelic, just to let you know." He says, averting eye contact with you through the phone.

I feel my face heat up as I stare blankly at him, thinking of something to say afterwards. I wasn't used real compliments from him.

"Oh- yeah, umm, thanks."' Why am I stumbling- just say THANK YOU.

"Y/N!!!!!" Jaxon yells from the top of the steps.


"That's great buddy!! I'll be up there in a sec!" I yell with joy in my voice with no real expression on my face.

"You've got your hands full. I best get going, also I called to let you know Nick is arranging a bnb for us. I'll text you the time." He says, finally getting to the point.

"You called for that? You new I was babysitting." I say in a playful tone.

"Well you're fun to talk to and I might as well get to know you more. You're a lot cooler than you seem I guess." He says openly, purposefully sliding in something cocky to make it seem less flirtatious.

"Thank you. You're not as jerky as you seem either I suppose." I say, retorting back.

"Hey, before you go, are you gonna be streaming again anytime soon?" I ask.

"Who's to say. I'm just taking some time off right now. I'm still working with Sleep Deprived and the Schlagg channel. I'm still around." He says reassuringly.

"Good to know. See you soon." I say closing in on a goodbye.

"Talk to you later- and don't be late. Nick is going crazy right now."

"Will do." I say with a smile, pressing the hang up button."

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now