pt. 3: introducing the moreau's 👦🏼🧒🏼👶🏼

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I woke up at 7:15 in the morning to go babysit like I had told the guys the night before. I frequently watch the Moreau kids on Thursday mornings because their mom and dad had breakfast with their friends at the country club they belonged to. Jaxon at age 6, Weston at age 2, and Madyleine who's only 4 months old. I enjoy playing with the kids and the extra cash helped when I wasn't uploading on YouTube or streaming.

"Y/n I'm hungry!" Jaxon tells me as he knows I always come prepared with the best snacks.

"I hungy!" Weston barely gets out. Alright I guess its snack time!

You make sure Madyleine is secure in her bouncy play pen before taking the boys out to the kitchen.

I seat them at the table with my backpack in front of them.

"Alrighty boys! Are you ready to see today's menu?" You say in an exuberant voice, like a game show host. You've learned a thing or two about how to catch an audience's attention throughout the years of streaming and YouTube.

"Yeah!!" They both say with large grins.

"Alrighty! Today, if you eat a granola bar you will get fruit snacks! And if you choose a banana, you can get three Hershey kisses! You only get the treats if you eat all of you snack! The pick is all yours, and no trades!"

"Banana!" Jaxon says.

"Nola!" Weston says, as he can't properly say 'granola'.

The boys eat their snacks contently as I play with Madyleine in the bouncy play seat making her precious giggle come out.

Some time passes and the boys end up separating, being content playing with their own toys as Madyleine's naptime approaches.

"Y/n! Y/n!" Yelled Jaxon from the balcony that overlooked the living room.

"I gotta show you something really cool!"

"Can you bring it down here big bro? Your sister is sleeping!" I whisper, hoping he heard you.

"I can try!" You hear his little legs scatter back to his room to get the prized item, hoping it's not something ridiculous.

Weston was playing with his Hot Wheels as best as he knew how only being 2 and you had a baby sleeping away in your arms. #BigNannyGoals .

"Here she is!" Jaxon struggles to say as he's walking down the steps.

She? Who is she?

"Meet Leafy!" Jaxon yells as he lets down not-so gently, a huge chameleon and it starts running hay wire. I didn't think reptiles could dash like this thing did, but here we are.

I stood up quickly but gently trying not to wake up Madyleine, and lay her down on the couch already swaddled in her favorite blanky and start running after it as Jaxon laughs loudly.

"SSHHH!!" I say reminding him to keep his voice down and hoping Weston understands the meaning of "shh".

I begin looking under and behind the tables, chairs, shelving units, and the hutch with no luck of seeing a scaley friend until you hear a scream from a child.

The house is monstrous, so it took me about 15 seconds to get to the crime scene. You run back to the living room to see Leafy on top of Weston's head. How? Why?

Low and behold, one chameleon on one crying kid, and one kid laughing at a kid with a chameleon on his head. Oh and now one woken up, cranky, crying infant. Fun, fun, fun.

You have got to be kidding me.

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now