pt. 16: nerves and cute skirts👗

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"For you liking him he seems to be a jerk. I still don't understand you, my dear y/n." Justine sighs.

"No no- last night, I means he's sweet but- well actually, he's really- ugh. Let's just say I have. a. LOT. to catch you up on- in a good way that is."

"Okay I'm sticking you to that. Beans must spilled before dawn of the new day, you understand me?"

"Yes, I'll call you later Justine. Love you always." I say putting up a half heart with my fingers seeing as we were on FaceTime.

"Love you too. Praying things work out."

"Believe me so have I. Last night gave me a new hope and a heart that flutters like an eagle's wings."

                        SCHLATT's POV:

As I shut the door I felt like a jerk. I couldn't let anyone else see my feelings. Not this early anyways.

Hearing her laugh over the phone makes me giggle to myself knowing she's happy.

Today is a new day- a long day. A day my nerves have been jumbling for.

                              Y/N's POV:

Before I hop in the shower I rummage through my suit case for my day 1 outfit. The first and last performances will always be the most prominent in people's minds so I must be cute and hot- but not too hot, this is a music convention, not a stripper bar. Besides I would never wear anything that provocative anyways.

As I'm on my knees I hear laughing men come up the steps and another knock on my door.

"Come in!!"

"I was a jerk again. I'm aware." Schlatt says peeking his head through the door.

I motion my hands for him to come in. He shuts the door behind him and sits on my bed.

"What was that about? Real classy of you after last night."

"I acted like that for a reason-"

"You can't bark at me after making me feel that way."

"Grunk was standing behind me and I know he gets weird about stuff like that so I couldn't."

"Couldn't what. Simp?!"

"Dear God please don't ever use that word. If it ever comes out of your lips I again I don't think I could kiss you anymore."

"No I'm cringing too." We chuckle together.

"Do you wear eccentric clothes like that all the time?" Schlatt asks me as I lay out a cute pink outfit.

           { !! THE OPTION IS YOURS !! }

           { !! THE OPTION IS YOURS !! }

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