pt. 8: i just can't wait to see you💛

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Waking up at three in the morning is not ideal for me, or anyone else I know. I decide to head to the kitchen to make myself a quick coffee to see Junstine dressed with make up on and a lot of coffee already brewing.

"Good morning lovely!" She greets. I liked early mornings but this wasn't morning, it's still night practically.

"Hey." I say blankly why swiping the hair out of my face.

"Yeahhhh I just load the car up myself. You need to fix... everything."

"You really don't need to do that-"

"Too late!!" She yells from across the hall walking out of my room with my duffel.

My phone starts ringing and at first I thought I was dreaming- assuming I was still asleep and it was just an alarm. Alas it was exactly who I thought it was going to be, jschlatt himself.

"You seem to ring my phone quite often lately. What's goin on? You look awfully happy for someone who's angry all the time."

"I'm not angry ALLLL the time!! Just excited to see you." He says cowering back a little.

We have collabed together with reaction streams and videos a couple of times and we chat on discord several times a week so it's not like a first big introduction or anything.

"Feelings are mutual." I say smiling at my camera.

My favorite stream we've done is reacting to our fans' original songs. Schlatt had gotten annoyed at the fact that most of them were about him supposedly being gay and how he's a simp for me. Were we that obvious? I mean it's not like we make jokes with each other or flirt all the time or anything... right...?

I get out the eggs, bread and cinnamon sugar to make cinnamon French toast, one of my favorite homemade breakfasts.

"I've heard you're comically short. 4'7 to be exact. That can't be true.. right?" He questions, clearly being sarcastic.

"Why yes it is... I'm from Munchkinland, don't you know? But seriously I'm 5'4."

"Oh wow because that's also not a short as hell."

"Well your height is just going to have to make up for mine." I conclude as I flip over my toast in the pan.

"That's not a bad idea, y/n." He says with genuine eyes.

"I'm thinking about looking for some arcades to visit while we're there. What do you think?"

"I think it sound like a lot of fun. I can see Nick whipping out his vlog camera right now." He says making us both laugh.

"I'm really anxious to see the pacific beaches with the sun setting on the water just like in the movies and all." I admit, sprinkling powdered sugar over my toast.

"You're such a dreamer. Kinda cute not gonna lie."

"I say what's on my mind. What's life without dreams and adventures?"

"You're right on that one." He says looking away from the camera, scratching his neck.

"Is something on your mind? You seem nervous."

"I am not a public speaker or performer by any means. I'm still going to announce mine and Lud's new album on the stage."

I think to myself for a moment how easily he opened up. It's nice to know he's comfortable with me.

"Well that's great!-"

"Hehe, no. It's not for everyone."

"You have streamed in front of thousands upon thousands of people while LIVE. It's just those people in real life." I say while shoving one of the last bites into my mouth.

"I mean you sing and dance and jump around all at once. You get to be yourself so easily. You got any tips?"

"Hmm.. as often as I get asked this question I either never have an answer, or the answers vary because everyone is different. For you I would say just know that everyone who is there wants to see you because they're your fans. You can work a crowd. Whatever you say goes with your audience. For me personally, I feel it just comes natural. I mean I'm 21 and I've been on stage since I was 6. I know that people who are there for me enjoy the blasting music and dancing all crazy so I taught myself how to put a show. I'm telling you, hop on a track with me and I'll make you a star." I pour out my heart.

"Can I say something extremely random?"

"Hit me."

"You're so damn hot when you talk about things you love. I can see the passion in your eyes and you just glow."

This. This right here caught me off guard. I was too stunned to speak and became red in the face while covering my eyes with my hands with a smile I couldn't contain.

"See I know how to sweet talk. Like I said, I'm not always angry." He says running his hands through his soft curls and waves.

"Have you always been this flirtatious?" I ask with a wide grin and a hand on my forehead with my eyes towards the screen.

"No, not until I met you."

Jschlatt x Reader: Nobody Thinks Like We DoWhere stories live. Discover now