Chapter Fifty-Seven

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(Loki's Pov)

"Kitten?" Loki called, peeking around the bedroom after attending various duties the following morning. Apparently at news of the prince's arrival, Asgard suddenly needed more help than it ever has from the trickster. But despite all the troubles, it did feel nice to be needed.

He glanced around the room, finding the absence of what used to be a sleepy Kitten when he left. Loki had supposed as much after he disappeared that morning, but now he dreaded the search for her. This palace was Asgard's pride and joy for a reason. With every long and useless hallway, and the endless labyrinth of gold etched doorways.

But despite the odds against him, Loki did have a guess of who would know. His mother pointed him in the direction of his brother, and within seconds he headed off to see what mischief the kitten and Thunderer could get themselves into.

(Kit's Pov)

"Lady Kit, I don't believe you will ever cease to amaze me." Hogun's voice called out from the end of the bar, as she sat among the warriors. "I don't think there is a drink that could have that much chocolate."

Kit laughed, "There is! Loki was actually the one that discovered it. It's so good." She sipped on her own chalice of one of the finest juices, only after Thor assured her it wouldn't make her "go crazy". She knew how others acted when they were drunk, and quite frankly it didn't seem appealing.

But just because she didn't drink, doesn't mean the others didn't have their fun. Fandral especially, whose manners continued to erode as he drank more and more of "the nectar of the gods". He flirted with Sif sparingly, but with Kit it seemed one look from Thor was able to tell him that this was not someone who would appreciate the games he created. Let alone Loki, if he ever heard of this. However, that didn't stop his teasing. As Fandral leaned close to Volstagg, muttering much too loudly to not be intentional, "She is so good, do you think she would be worthy?"

"Worthy?" An all-too-familiar voice called from behind her, sneaking a hand around her shoulders to press a kiss between her ears. Kit wondered how she had missed his entrance. "Of course she is. But Mjolnir seems to hate everyone."

"Except me." Thor beamed, swinging his hammer to theatrically set it down before her on the counter. "But by all means, Lady Kit. Try to lift it."

Kit knew that it would be impossible. She's seen the Avengers play this game, and if the heroes of Earth couldn't lift it, then there should be no reason she could. Nonetheless as her hands grasped the metal, a mischief teased her soul more than the god of it behind her. She gripped it, and felt a strange truth reveal itself.

"What would happen if I could lift it?" Her eyes met those awaiting her proof.

Thor huffed, repeating what had been told to him. To be worthy? In Asgard? "You would become Queen. You would be worthy of such a title and the highest respect the kingdom could bestow."

A smile crept across her lips at this. Queen?

Her fingers left the metal without ever lifting it. Kit didn't need to know if Asgard thought her "worthy" or not. As Loki said, she was worthy already. She let go.

"What... why won't you try?" Fandral said, "I'm sure you would be able to lift it."

"Maybe." Her hand found Loki's, as the god seated himself beside her. They were supposed to be engaged, weren't they? Why not give the others a show? "But I don't want to be Queen."

They didn't understand, and that was okay. She didn't need their approval.

This feeling... It was a kind of confidence Kit found that she had always needed, but simultaneously had always been kept out of her reach. She didn't need to be Queen or worthy or even accepted by everyone to still be good. To still like herself. To still love Loki.

Kit kissed his cheek, meeting Loki's eyes. He knew the real reason she refused to even try to lift the hammer. Well... why she refused.

She already tried before.

"Kit, come on. You don't have to be Queen. Let's just see." Thor tried again, and Kit only smiled.

"I don't need to know, Thor."

She was already worthy.

From there the conversation turned toward the hopeful. Tomorrow's journey was weighing on everyone's minds, and for what they might find. The warriors volunteered to join them on their journey, and guard them through any troubles that may come their way. Loki and Thor promised that her family would be welcomed to the palace just as she was, and her prince's love quelled any fears that he may not like her beginnings. That for some reason her family's status in Asgard would change something between them.

After their journey, Sif convinced Kit to join her on a tour of the markets of Asgard. Joined with an offer to battle on the training grounds as well, something that piqued the Kitten's interest just enough to entertain the idea. She would love to see how the people of Asgard- her people, now- fought compared to Earth. Not for the violence, but for the technique.

The rest of the day sped by quickly between preparations and meeting more esteemed friends and nobles. Kit marveled at the entire experience, loving every moment of it. How every person carried such a different past not only compared to what she knew, but from each other. How even Asgard was not simple a solid cookie-cutter people, but a wild collection of interesting souls.

She loved every minute of it. Every second with them, and more so every second spent with Loki at her side. As he cooked up mischievous, ever-so lovely games to tease whomever had decided to meet them this time around. They could sneak kisses and touches even when no one was looking and every secret between them was amazing.

Kit couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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