Chapter Fifty-Six

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(A/N: Spicy memories that border on 18+. Enjoy, and thanks for reading!)

(Kit's Pov)

She didn't quite know how they moved to the bed, but Kit supposed it must've happened between the kisses and brief gasps for air. His lips moved messily across her own, Loki's hands shifting from holding her chin to wander about her body.

And she loved it.

She loved... every part of him. As Loki made sure to appreciate every space of her skin as well. A trail of kisses left across her body down-

"I trust you had an enjoyable afternoon?" Frigga's words snapped Kit out of her memories, as they sat around the banquet for dinner. The Queen's words robbed the Kitten of reliving the sensations experienced in privacy. "Rest much?"

Kit could feel as her cheeks caught on fire, but ignored the feeling for as long as she could. "Of course. The room is absolutely stunning."

"You're absolutely stunning, Kitten." Loki whispered in her ear, her mind replaying the few words shared earlier on. "I am so lucky to call you mine." Their limbs were tangled with one another, both enjoying a mess of what indeed had been much better done with a clear mind.

Well... perhaps there had been a few more words.

Lots of words. Some that she knew and made her body knot up in anticipation, and some that Loki played with as he explained them to her.

Frigga smirked, hiding her obvious insight into their situation. Kit wouldn't be surprised if she was the one to instruct the staff to combine their rooms. A gamble that had paid off.

"Thor tells me you are quite the skilled magician, Lady Kit." Odin spoke from the head of the table, all the royals finally sitting in one room. And unfortunately one of the reasons Loki had been so silent this evening, beyond answering a question or a brief glance her way. But he was in a pleasant mood, without a doubt experiencing the same flutters that still accompanied the memory of earlier.

And even after earlier. As Loki cared for her spent body, the relief just what she needed in order to clear her nerves of this dinner. Her prince reassured Kit that the king wasn't at all to be feared by his guests, and that he would appreciate any effort she made to value her heritage: understanding that after living on Midgard she might have become accustomed to their ways.

Loki helped her into another, even fancier dress, that still left room for her legs to breathe. His hands ran through her hair as they braided the mess into the most beautiful crown weave she could ever have imagined; which he attributed to many years of long hair and an insistent mother.

Kit looked up, glancing between Thor and his father. Of course the thunderer would want to brag about her abilities. "I am, but I've only just begun my studies." Her eyes flicked to Loki, thinking it was just the perfect opportunity to reassure his position here. "I've been learning from Loki. He's a wonderful teacher."

Of course despite how she thought her words were innocent, Loki added a second, much more recent meaning to them. Gracefully choking on his food, taking a long sip of wine to clear himself again. Frigga might assume, but that didn't mean the others at the table would jump to accept their actions. With his coughing fit under control, Loki tuned back into the conversation. "Kit is a wonderful student. She's advancing rapidly."

While the others started to question his response, Thor nodded as if this was the most reassuring news he's ever heard. "See? She is one of the most powerful beings on Midgard."

"On Midgard, perhaps." Odin said off-handedly, yet seeming to approve of her still. She didn't quite understand them, but started to figure why Loki acted so stiff around his father. His comments were... belittling.

It was a stark difference to her treatment with the Avengers.

Thor didn't bat an eye to his comment, and it seemed that Frigga and Loki were used to it.

"So, I've been thinking we should start our leave a day after tomorrow." Frigga said suddenly, drawing back the attention of the diners. "I believe I've found your home."

The table dropped to silence, as Kit froze.

It would be, wouldn't it? Her home. The place where she grew up. And... her parents. Her siblings? A real, biological family? Would they be just like her? Would they be magicians too?

Would they like Loki?

"My home?" Kit tried to focus on her words. On the expressions of the royalty around her.

"How long is the journey?" Loki asked, invested as much as she was. Kit felt his hand snake around her own, and sent a smile his way.

Frigga smiled, "About half a day." But it didn't stay a happy smile for long. Something else was going on here, and she felt... worry, over it.

"I can't wait!" Kit lost control of her volume, blushing for a moment afterward. "Thank you, my Queen. This means the world to me."

She nodded, pish-poshing her use of Frigga's title. "It was the least I could do, dear." Her words carried such a warmth within them it almost felt as if she was home already.

"So, are we going on horses?"

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