Chapter Twenty

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(Kit's Pov)

After that snow day, Loki seemed to become more friendly towards Kit and the others. Well, as friendly as he could manage most days. During the times the team left for a mission or such things, Kit always considered asking Loki to turn back again. Just for a moment. But she always thought better of it, knowing the awkwardness of being forced to change forms- especially when she didn't want to.

A few days later, however, it seemed her wishes would be ignored.

"Avengers!" A certain director called, as he appeared on the living room screen. Only Kit was there, watching a movie until the interruption.

"Hi, Fury." She smiled, waving at the screen. After enough video calls to the Avengers, Kit learned to not be as surprised. Even though the sudden shout still made her jump the slightest. "What do you need?"

"You, actually." He said, as the Avengers finally arrived from the elevator. "You are now an official member of the Avengers, assuming you accept the position. Congratulations."

"She's what?" Clint blurted out, shocked as the rest of the team. They knew the terrors that came with being an Avenger- all the missions, training, trials, death-threats, and sacrifice. Let alone being held to a whole new level of responsibility.

"I am an Avenger?" Kit asked with the biggest grin across her face. Finally an official member of the Avengers? It was a wish come true.

"Fury, I don't think she's ready for this." Natasha tried to reason, as Kit turned towards the others. They feigned some form of excitement or congratulations, not wanting to ruin her enthusiasm.

"Then it's your job to get her ready. We could use her skills on the battlefield."

"Battlefield? Fury, do you really think Kit would fight? Anyone?" Steve intervened, as Kit tuned back into the conversation when her name was mentioned.

"I do not want to fight." She confirmed their suspicions, shaking her head. That's all Hydra wanted her to do. That, and listen to their every command without question. She wouldn't be doing that. Ever.

"So you refuse?" He snapped, as a silence settled on the group. "Listen, Kit. You would be fighting for a cause much bigger than yourself. To help save the world from threats and foes who seek to destroy life as we know it."

Those were good things... right? Fury looked like those were good things she'd be doing. No doubt hard work, but good results in the end.

But she didn't want to fight. Not anybody, from any side. Bloodshed is bad no matter who it is to-

Or from.

After perhaps too long a pause, Fury sighed. "Think it over. The offer will stand until you're ready." With that, and a knowing look to the team, his stream faded from the screen.

"I thought we had more time." Tony muttered to the others, looking concerned.

"Time?" Loki arrived from thin air, his sudden speaking causing everyone to jump. Except Kit. For some strange magical reason, she could feel when he teleported.

"Until Fury- Shield, really- until they want to make Kit an Avenger." Bruce filled in for Tony. He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses, looking concerned.

"This would be bad?" Kit asked, not even beginning to understand the horrors they were trying to protect her from.

"Yes." Most of the team replied, catching Kit off-guard. Loki seemed to notice her discomfort.

"Is it not her choice to make?"

Tony smirked a sad smile. "She thinks Scar is the worst person alive."

"Point taken."

Natasha cleared her throat. "Fury's not wrong though." Everyone stared at her. Fury? Not wrong? Impossible. "About training Kit. She can at least know how to defend herself, if a threat happens to arise."

"I would like that very much." Kit interjected now, looking up at the team. "But not to kill."

"Every warrior, even a feline one, should-"

Loki glared at his brother, effectively shutting him up. The team looked torn on the matter as well, although not brave enough to be stabbed. Even with just his glare. "Of course not, Kit. But are you sure this is what you want?"

"I have to be able to defend myself." Kit smiled up at Loki. "It will be fun!"


It was not fun.

After their group dispersed, Natasha began a schedule of different techniques Kit would be learning to fight with. And who, when, where- just to make sure all her grounds were covered. Heavier fighting with Thor or Steve, lighter fighting with Natasha and Clint, weapons training with whoever was available. They decided to save the cat-brawls for later, or at least until more could be learned about Kit's abilities.

"I... am... so... tired..." Kit panted at the end of one of their sessions, not two days after Fury's call. Natasha was still training her in conditioning, waiting to teach her actual moves until she could hold her own physically at the least. Kit had the grace of a feline, but also had the small frame of one. Even when human.

"Well we're having another movie night, so you can relax." Nat said, "You did a great job today."

"Thank you." Kitten replied, "There is so much water on me."

"You mean sweat?"

"Yes. That." She tried to shake off some of it, although quickly realising this wouldn't actually help the situation. "How do I get this off?"

"Take a shower." Natasha responded with a shrug, drinking some water on her way to her own shower most likely. She even gave Kit her own water bottle, with pictures of cats along the sides. It seemed a bit like a tease, although the kind gesture was well appreciated.

"Shower..." Kit whispered to herself, before starting to head to her own room. As a cat she could keep herself clean enough, although it seemed now even this was beyond her capabilities. She'd have to adapt to more human customs.

Training with Natasha was nothing like her training... before- the Avengers. At Hydra. While they would push her to her limits for unknown reasons, Natasha would actually explain why every exercise was important. It was alright if she made mistakes and messed up, 'It's part of learning' Nat would say.

The only thing that did remain the same is how incredibly tired and sweaty Kit became after a practice.

Kitten entered her room, making sure to close the door firmly before entering the bathroom. Before attempting to master this strange wall faucet. She slid back the full-body shower door, noticing how the glassy material wavered in design. When she put her hand on the other side, it became blurred and distorted. Surely for the unclothed person behind it?

With the door understood well enough, she moved to the single knob below the shower head. Etched onto the plating were some arranged letters of the alphabet, C-O-L-D and H-O-T. Every faucet, whether the bathroom or kitchen sink, had two different handles. One for cold water, and one for hot.

But one handle? The way the team strongly talked about the differences of hot versus cold shower preferences Kit would've thought there would be two.

But one?

For a moment she fiddled with the handle, turning it to see which way it turned. Kit quickly found it turned counter-clockwise, which made the water stream out in a strong rain-like stream.


After that little endeavor, Kit undressed herself to step inside. With her room door closed and the stench from her body becoming nearly unbearable, she didn't think it would be a problem. The shower door was closed, and the room door- plus surely anyone would hear the water running.

It shouldn't be a problem.

Unless, of course, thinking it stood for 'on', she turned the handle all the way towards the H-O-T letters.

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