Chapter Twenty Six

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(A/N: Basically two chapter in one, but also really cute. Thanks for reading!)

(Third Pov)

The moment Loki's feet touched ground outside the Avengers tower, followed by his brother through the Bifrost, the team stormed out of their building. Though surprisingly, not towards him.

"Thor! You were supposed to give us more time!" Tony said, running a hand through his hair as he started the tirade.

"I know, but Loki can be very persistent-"

"Barely 36 hours more is not that much time." Natasha put her hands on her hips, glaring at the warrior.

"I tried my best-"

As they continued bickering, Loki would've thought the notion entertaining. All the Avengers ganging up on his brother- it's a nice change of pace. However when the newest member of the Avengers did not show up to meet them- even while everyone else was out here- he couldn't help but grow suspicious. Even more so than he already was.

"Where is Kit?" Loki turned towards the others. The Avengers stopped talking, although not daring to respond. His eyes scanned the avoiding eyes, before landing on the self-appointed explain-ee.

"About that-"

"That's how you start the conversation?" Steve turned to Tony, who had volunteered first. In some ways he blamed himself for this dilemma- in ways that weren't his fault at all.

"-Then you explain it, Rogers." Stark responded snappishly, waiting until the captain would close his mouth. Which proved much longer than anyone wanted to wait for an answer.

Natasha groaned, stepping between the children behind her and the Asgardians. "Kit is stuck in cat form."

"Oh that's a great way to put it!" Clint called out sarcastically, two seconds from getting pummeled by most likely everyone there.

But while the Avengers argued among themselves, Loki became caught up in his own mind. Kit? Stuck in cat form? Again? Last time it took her weeks to even start trusting the Avengers, and if she had been hurt enough again to revert back to those instincts-

With a sigh of annoyance towards the others- who always seemed to screw things up- Loki teleported himself into the tower.

"We should probably go after him, right?"


(Kit's Pov)

Another day in her room, another day alone. Nearly alone? The Avengers tried to visit her, although usually only managing to see her a few times a day. Different members each time, saying different words with the same message. 'It's okay'.

But it wasn't. Not really. Why were her actions justified, when anyone else's would have consequences? 'It's okay' didn't answer that question. It didn't answer any of her questions.

So Kit sulked in her room, lounging about in cat form, trying and practically failing to enjoy the solitude. 10 days had gone by now, 10 days without seeing Loki. Where did he go? To Asgard, of course, but why? More importantly, why did he leave her?

She didn't quite know why it was so important that she know what was going on with Loki, in his life and mind- but Kit found herself curious over every aspect of him. Different from her normal interest in humanity as itself- this was more... personal. More about him, verses simply what he did.

Kit couldn't place the feeling in form of words, even though she tried hard to hold onto the thought. The emotion she hated however, is the one that accompanied the idea of Loki finding out what she did. Compared to the others or even Natasha, it felt like it was ten fold. This... shame.

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