Chapter Thirty Three

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(Loki's Pov)

A week passed since the party. Nothing drastic happened since then, besides the weather taking a turn for the worst. Heat snuck up on the Avengers without warning, and soon whole days were passing with sticky, hot weather.

But Loki needn't be worried. Hot weather on its own would never force him to change forms. It simply made him hyper-sensitive to cold things. As long as the air-conditioning remained functional, and the windows sealed, there really should be no problem.

Until one day, just that happened. Loki entered a room early in the morning to face a team full of grim-faced members. Before receiving the news: the air conditioning broke from being so overworked.

So Loki decided to stay in his quarters until the problem resolved itself. Surely it wouldn't be much more than a day, otherwise the team wouldn't be able to function themselves. He casted a spell around his room; a reverse blanket to keep the cold in, but encourage heat to escape. And he would've stayed in his room the entire day, if not for a text he received from the others. Stark, specifically.

'Surprise in the kitchen. Come quickly.'

Of course Loki would have his suspicions. But when Kit swiftly responded with an 'of course', he found himself obliged to agree and head down.

Loki exited the elevator, looking forward to seeing Kit. Even while surrounded by the others. Ever since her confession, matters between them began to slowly change. Whenever they found themselves alone they flirted, talked romantically, and even the occasional make-out session. For never having kissed before, she knew how to hold herself well. Loki found every way he could to compliment her, just to see how she blushed and squirmed. It ignited something within him every time, making him relish how he could now call her his. And reversely, just so.

Deep in his thoughts as he trekked towards the kitchen, the only thing which broke through was the heat. So ridiculously hot, the moment he left his room. The windows which had shades were covered, the patches of sunlight finding their way through making him feel as though he was being seared alive. Loki could only hope this 'surprise' would be worth it.

"Hey Loki!" A voice shouted from behind him, the only warning Loki received before the ambush. Someone pulled the back of his shirt collar, slipping something against his back. Something so cold, he doubted if it wasn't frozen.

Loki whirled around to face the very amused one of Tony. Of course he would do this. "Stark!" He shouted, planning a million crude and gruesome descriptions to threaten with.

But his plots of intimidation died on his tongue when he realised exactly what was- quite uncomfortably- sliding down his back.


A shiver ran from his head to toe, what should have been impossible in this heat. Effectively shaking the ice to the floor, let alone something he couldn't help but loathe.

Stark's eyes grew wide during his wait for Loki's finishing statement. His smirk fell into a shocked expression.

Loki scowled. Red eyes glaring as his skin shifted. The heat suddenly tore against his skin ten times worse, his tolerance melting by the second. "You inconsiderate mortal!" He sneered, before storming up to his room. Not before hearing the following jeers shouted by the iron idiot.


(Kit's Pov)

"So, what is the surprise?" Kit asked the Avengers in the kitchen, the only members missing being Tony and Loki. Her boyfriend. It still felt strange to use the word, even though it erupted butterflies in her chest. All she knew was that Clint and Steve had left the tower with empty boxes, and had now returned with full ones.

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