Chapter Fifty-Two

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(Kit's Pov)

Too much. Everything was just too much. From being Asgardian to reliving the abuse of Hydra to missing her date. She couldn't hold in her emotions anymore.

"Kitten?" Loki's voice broke through her thoughts, softest she's ever heard it. The single whisper holding a thousand questions. What were the stories? Are there more? Why hadn't she said anything? Is she okay?

"I don't want to see him again." It was all Kit could say, arms wrapping around her prince. "I don't want to go back. I don't want to lose everything again."

Loki held her close as she cried into his chest. "You won't, Darling. I'm protecting you, remember? You are safe. No one will hurt you anymore." His lips pressed between her ears, as Loki comforted the Kitten the best he could. "He's wrong about you. You are the kindest, strongest, and bravest person I know. I love you, and nothing will change that."

Kit sniffed, bumbling out "I love you too" to the best of her ability. It just felt like such an impossible promise. Anything could go wrong at any point in time. Kit nor Loki could control that. "I don't want to forget you most of all."

"Kit... You are not going to forget anyone." His fingers reached beneath her chin, forcing her to take a moment to look up. "He does not have any power here. You don't have to see him, and you most certainly don't have to listen to him. You are an Asgardian. As of his confession, you are now under the realm's protection. I assure you, nothing will take you away."

She couldn't find the words to express her gratitude, nor the fear that still gripped her heart nonetheless. But his words helped distract her from the memories. Kit buried her head against his chest as they sat on the bed. She just now noticed he had teleported to his room. "Tell me about Asgard."

"Asgard?" Loki took a breath, accepting the change of topic. She suspected he knew the real reason she asked. Kit needed a distraction. "It's big. Bigger than anything you can imagine. The castle is lined with gold, and the skies shine with a thousand colors from its magic. There's this waterfall where the Sea of Space drops that lines the realm. Then there are the pathways, of course, but our primary transport to and from the land is the Bifrost. It's a burning rainbow bridge that stretches between our realms." He paused, smiling to himself. Kit loved the warmth in his eyes as he thought of his home.

"Favorite place?"

"Oh, that's hard to decide." He hummed, "Our libraries are incomparable, but the gardens... I could watch as my mother walked them from my room's balcony." Loki glanced back to the Kitten, an idea burning behind his eyes. "I can take you."

Kit perked up. "What? How?"

"I've always wanted to, but this discovery today makes the whole process much simpler. Asgardians are allowed to come and go as they please." Loki wrapped an arm around her shoulders when she leaned into him. "We'll celebrate your return, and I can show you every corner of the palace. My mother would absolutely adore you."

Kit giggled at the image of exploring Asgard with Loki, her fears replaced with dreams. "I would like to meet Frigga."



The couple spun around to face the door, a certain oafish brother standing in the entryway. "You should really learn to knock." Loki huffed, beckoning him to come in nonetheless.

"That would take away all the fun." Thor smiled, as half the Avengers appeared behind him. Now just because Loki allowed Thor to enter his room doesn't mean he wanted the others to enter. "So, when are we leaving?"

Kit smiled at the brothers as they bickered about eavesdropping, catching the eyes of the Avengers. Natasha, Bruce, and Tony among them. "Feeling better?"

She nodded shyly, hesitant if they would suddenly treat her differently. But instead it seemed as if Kit had gained their respect. Before they knew about her life, she was simply the child-like hydra rescue without a clue about the world. And perhaps she was still learning, but the Avengers recognised that she didn't need coddling as they once thought.

It made her feel strong.

"Shield is going to take him early tomorrow." Natasha said, explaining the circumstances since the couple left. "I doubt we'll ever hear of him again. Fury's promised that they won't let Hydra get away with any other attacks."

Kit nodded, Tony stepping forward before she could respond. "But in the meantime, you two need to take a long, long break."

"What?" Loki stopped his quarrel with Thor to glance over, mirroring Kit's expression. Tony insisting the couple leave? What could have possessed him to do such a thing?

"Go to Asgard. Figure out what's going on, Kit. The team agrees that you need some real time to clear your head after all of this."

A vacation? The Avengers were ordering her on a vacation? "Thank you?" Kit liked the idea of exploring Asgard and traveling between the realms, but it was so sudden. Better now than never, she supposed.

"You're welcome." Stark flashed a camera smile, earning a nudge from Bruce. "Go pack, and have fun! Don't forget to say goodbye."

Kit watched as the Avengers herded themselves out, leaving the Asgardians alone.


How did this happen? Why her? It all seemed so impossible. She's always been different from the other people of Earth, but Kit summed that up as a difference from her powers.

"I guess we're going to Asgard."

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