Chapter Thirty Nine

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(A/N: Sounds I made when writing this chapter: A- E- I- O- U-;  Cute but on the short side. Sorry for taking so long! (Also... there's kisses somewhere in here. Skip after '*' if you don't like?) Thanks for reading!)

(Loki's Pov)

Well, perhaps their advice wasn't completely terrible. Even if the teenagers' theories were a bit early in the relationship, their advice did help Loki understand the Midgardian courting customs more wholly. Ideas for dates, gifts, and any other couple-ish customs they could come up with.

Which, inevitably, led to the development of a perfect date. Or the idea of one, anyway.

"Kit?" Loki asked the next day, when a miraculous moment alone occurred. The team disappeared on a mission, leaving both Kitten and Jotun behind at the tower. "What are you doing?"

"I-" The tips of her ears bobbed above the kitchen counter, as she searched for something in the cupboards. Lugging out a large metal bowl, and what Loki could only describe as a mechanical whisk. "-am making cookies!" Following the cookware, Kit started to pull out ingredients.

Loki chuckled at her enthusiasm. "Do you know how?"

"I found a recipe." She showed him a picture on her phone, the words sugar cookies staring back at him. "And I watched Natasha do it last time. I don't think it's hard."

Looking over the recipe, it really didn't seem to be that difficult. Granted, the prince had rarely even set foot in a kitchen- but if the mortals could preform this magic, surely he could too. "How can I help?"


"And... it says to 'stir in flour'-" Fwoop. "-slowly."


The moment he turned on the electric mixture, a powdery cloud filled the air. Somehow only landing on the prince.

"I said slowly!" Kit giggled, only laughing more when Loki turned toward her. Face and clothes bathed in the dry snow.

Loki could only help the smirk grow across his face, glad to hear such sounds come from her so genuinely. Unfortunately, this did not stop his smile from forming into a playful grin. "Oh, you find this amusing?"

When Kit nodded her head- barely sparing him a glance through her laughter- he grabbed an extra handful of the substance, tossing it against her shoulder. Kit gasped, "What- Why did you do that?"

"Now we're both messy." Loki smiled innocently, teasing as if such logic might actually apply. But it seemed the Kitten caught onto his game, spraying a little back in his direction. "Hey, we were even."

"Now we are." She closed her eyes and stuck out her tongue, handing over the perfect oppourtunity on a silver platter. Loki took the cookiedough-covered spoon from the bowl, swiping some of the batter on her tongue. "Oh!"

Kit glared up at the god, bordering on offended. Or- it seemed that way. She snatched the spoon from his hand, holding it out of reach. Loki tried to stitch together some sort of apology for a line crossed, Kit beating him to the words. "This is actually very tasty." She fingered another taste to her mouth, her glare now turned into a tempting look his way.

Loki laughed. "Really?"

She nodded. "Do you want some?" Kit held out the spoon, offering him a taste. Just as the trickster reached out to grab it, the kitten shoved the rest into her mouth.

"Hey! That wasn't very fair-"

Before he could finish the sentence, Kit's lips were on his own. Open, inviting, a peace treaty for this playful war. To say Loki melted into the surprise may just be an understatement.

The spoon was set and forgotten on the counter, her hands reaching up to rest on his shoulders. His own caressed Kit's cheek, as he kissed back with a passion she purred against. Actually purred.

It was ages until they pulled away, and yet Loki found himself trailing after her still. As if the heavy panting from air missed didn't matter. "Are we even now?"

"Almost." Loki stole a chaste kiss, catching her eyes as he did so. Love. It was the only word Loki could use to describe both what he felt, and what practically radiated off of her. "I do have a question, however."

"A question?" Kit perked her ears up, absentmindedly brushing some flour off of his shoulder. Earning a laugh for her efforts.

"I would like to take you on a date. An outing with just the two of us, away from the tower." Her eyes lit up at the notion, shining up at him with mis-matched beauty. "Perhaps dinner, or a dessert?" Although Kit had said she wanted to be more than friends- and these moments proved that- Loki couldn't help but wonder how she had imagined this. After the afternoon with Peter and his friends, the prince started to realise keeping this relationship a secret would do more harm than good as time progressed. Loki has stolen these weeks undisturbed, but maybe it was time to start becoming more public.

"That sounds amazing!" She smiled, sparing a kiss between words. Which turned into a bit longer of a kiss than they planned on.

"Brother! Lady Kit!" A voice boomed, the mere volume shaking their lips away. To which each half of the couple quickly tried to appear normal, wiping away the blush from being caught. "We have returned!"

Within seconds the team appeared around the corner, looking over the suspicious flour-covered pair. "What... what happened?"

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