Chapter Six

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(Kit's Pov)

"Hey Jarvis, have those test results come back yet?" Bruce asked the AI later that night, when the team had regrouped for a very informal debriefing.

"What results, Dr. Banner?"

"The ones of Kit's bloodwork and stuff." He said, clarifing further when Jarvis still didn't answer. "Tony, you did send it, didn't you?"

"I thought I did." Stark shrugged, as his Science Bro sighed. "Apparently not."

"Can you figure out what happened?"

"Yeah. I'll look into it."

"Friends! Relax, this is no time for quarrels." Thor boomed jovially, his laugh waking Kit from her slumber on Loki's lap. She's refused to leave his side since the team returned, even when the team teased him for it. It only got worse when they all became intoxicated with a variety of drinks, Thor even bringing out something called 'Excelsior' that he had told Tony "the mortals definitely shouldn't have" when he begged to try some. Between that and Stark's liquor cabinet, the team became so completely drunk even Kit doubted they would remember anything from tonight.

"I'm just saying, if you put the hammer in an elevator, would it go up?" Clint asked, once the drinks had finally run dry. This was the last activity of the night, and the last topic they were discussing.

"Of course not! The metal contraption is not worthy!" Thor shouted, the team chuckling at how thick his accent was bleeding through. Thor already had switched back to Asgardian for a brief time, although when he was called out on it he promptly switched back.

"Magic could not even lift it, I doubt puny midgardian things could either." Loki slurred, a flimsy hand of his running its way through her fur. Kit murmured a meow of annoyance, frustrated at how sloppy he had been to mess up her fur. She hopped off to sit on the cushion next to him, shaking and grooming the disorderly feeling off of her.

"She grooms almost as much as you, Loki." Natasha giggled with a snort, as the team laughed along with her. Loki sputtered indignantly, although not being able to form words fast enough for a comeback.

A few more snarky comments later, it was decided that the team had officially done themselves in for one hell of a hangover the next morning. They all slowly herded themselves upstairs, tripping over each other in the halls. Hopefully Jarvis had recorded some of that.

Soon all that was left was a very sleepy, grumpy, drunk Loki lying on the couch. The team must've supposed he could've teleported himself to his room, not knowing how horribly magic and deliriousness mixed. Or how much accidental chaos could follow.

"It's just you and me now, Kitten." His posh voice bumbled out, as she looked up from her seat on the couch. He still hadn't even tried getting up, looking like he was content to just sleep there. But Kit hated a break in routine, especially if that meant she would have to sleep down here as well. It was cold and not as comfortable as her bed upstairs.

But there was no way she could drag him all the way there in her cat form. Probably not even in her larger feline form either.

Which led to one of the biggest and near-dumbest decisions she could make that night. There was no chance he would remember it the morning after, or probably even truly realise it tonight. But if she wanted to get any actual sleep, then she'd have to.

Kit would have to become human for the second time that day, this time in front of someone. Sure, Loki wouldn't remember, but it was still nerve wracking what he might say or do without even knowing.

Kit sighed. There were no other options.

In a moment she transformed into her human form, summoning the same pj's around her from earlier. She sighed when Loki looked on incredulously, sitting down gently beside him.

"Loki, sleep." Kit whispered through the settled silence, struggling to find the confidence to talk to him. Being human was one thing, but actually talking to someone else? That was just short of terrifying. "Come on."

Loki just stared at her with a look of disbelief. "You- you're a human?"

Kit attempted to decipher his words, settling on just a deep sigh. Between his accent, the new words, and the mispronounced syllables he threw in there, she couldn't make sense of what he was saying.

"Bed. Sleep." She tried again, moving an arm beneath his own. They just needed to make it to the elevator, through the hallway, and to his bed. Then she could dump him there while she changed forms, before anyone was the wiser.

"No..." he trailed off, moving his arm from hers. "I'll just sleep here."

Kit sighed. "Come on!" She exclaimed, quietly although still strongly insistent. He finally met her eyes, his green ones filled with slight confusion. "Sleep, Loki. Bed."

"You are re-e-e-ally bad at talking, you know. Do you only know three words?" He teased with a smile, but finally allowed her to practically drag him towards the elevator. She huffed in reply, not caring what he thought. "Where are your ears?"

Finally- finally they reached his bedroom. Kit brought him over to his bed, sitting him down on it. At least the team had been smart enough to change out of their battle armour before getting drunk, for their benefit too. Loki would've had to sleep in it otherwise.

"Sleep." She insisted, as his head plopped down on the pillow behind him. With her job finally done, Kitten moved to switch back into her cat form.

"Stay." Loki's voice called out, causing her to pause briefly. "I do not wish to forget you."

Kit smiled. But that was the only reason she had risked it in the first place. Because he wouldn't remember.

"No." She replied, "Sleep, Loki." And in a second she was a cat again, curled up on her little cat pillow on the end of his bed. Loki seemed to have finally listened, falling asleep soon enough.

Now, just to hope he didn't remember it in the morning.

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