Chapter Twenty Five

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(A/N: Two chapters in one day! Sorry for the long wait everyone. Thanks for reading!)

(Loki's Pov)

When Thor said all those days ago that Odin had called him to Asgard, Loki couldn't say he was surprised. The king always wanted an audience with his favorite son, most likely not even having much to say other than 'How go your battles'. What did surprise him, is when Thor said he requested Loki go as well.

Which of course led to a spur of the moment Bifrost journey. A trip to Asgard in which Thor claimed would only be a few days, so "Don't worry about leaving her, brother. Kit will be fine."

"I'm not worried." Loki tried to scoff, although it seemed the sound that came from him mirrored a weak sigh instead.

Thor's goofy smile at his reaction made him roll his eyes. "Of course not, my mistake."

But whether Loki admitted the emotion or not, the heart-wrenching feeling of worry and even guilt settled in the pits of his heart. When he tried to distract himself with palace duties, catching up with Frigga, or even the occasional conversation with Thor's friends, it still never left. This is the longest he's been away from the tower in quite awhile, seemingly random at that. No doubt Kit would be worried-

Where had that thought come from?

"What is it?" His mother's words pulled Loki from his thoughts, as he glanced up from the book he was reading. The days they stayed here approached the week mark collectively, and with every passing hour he doubted how near the day to return really was. Thor kept trying to extend their trip, moving the departure from morning to evening and back again, day after day.

Loki sighed. It seemed his concerns could never escape his mother's eye. "Nothing. Besides how I've missed the libraries of Asgard."

"Oh, have you? Do they not have enjoyable books on Midgard?" Frigga laughed, sitting on the armchair across from the one he chose to lay across.

"They do..." Loki sighed, his lie catching up to him. A week away from Kit, after months constantly together, spare the missions he must go on, was starting to feel like torture. As if there were something missing in his life.

Frigga smiled. "I know that look, dear."

"What look?"

"Someone has caught your eye."

Caught his-

No. Preposterous. They were friends. Being away from a friend can cause stress just as well as a partner. Kit was just that, simply a friend.

"I believe you're wrong, mother." Loki tried to salvage the conversation, before she pressed for details. Although it seemed the alternative topic was worse.

Proving she's right.

"Am I? I have watched you grow for over a thousand years, my son. If you cannot realise it, then do not say I am at fault." Frigga scolded him, although not in a stern manner. Much more like a meddling mother. "I know you well enough to catch the signs when you're more than simply curious in someone."

"No, I'm not- It's not like that, we're just friends." Loki sputtered, his book now closed and resting on the small table beside him.

"Really? You certainly seem like you don't want it to be." Why must she make everything so difficult? He- Kit- it wasn't like that. It couldn't be. She probably didn't even know what love meant.

Ah, the L word. Loki caught himself in his thoughts, his mind split on the two matters. Surely his mother could not be right...

And yet she's never been wrong before.

"So, who are they?"

"Mother~" Loki felt as his cheeks warm up, trying desperately to refuse the notion. At the very least, he could not give her hope of the 'dark prince's heart finally melting. Not if the warmth that helped it thaw might still disappear.

Frigga smirked mischievously, "Very well. You can try to keep it hidden from me, Loki, but know very well that the truth is bound to turn up somewhere." He smiled in reply, before she was called off to other duties.

But her words that day stuck with him through the rest of their continued prolonged visit, through every other meeting and activity Thor concocted to keep them here. Which is truly how it started to feel, Loki constantly either waiting or being dragged around by his oaf brother.

"Thor, this is our tenth night here." Loki said one day, when he managed to catch his brother between banquets and village walks.

"Yes, I suppose it is." Thor chuckled, "What of it?"

"Are you not concerned the team may need you, and yet have no way to contact you?" Loki tried to keep this off of his own wants and needs- to keep Thor occupied with his own desires. He liked fighting, and if his friends got hurt then surely he would be worried.

Not at all unlike Loki's own predicament, with the Midgardian Kitten.

Thor's slightly hesitant response had Loki stopping his persuasive tactics.

"What happened, Thor?"

"I am simply enjoying my time here! You should loosen-"

"Thor." Loki spoke the single word, effectively interrupting his brother. "What are you not telling me?"

His brother paused. "Nothing! I am simply enjoying my time while we're still here-"

"You've already said that."

"Did I?" Loki's silence to this question as he stared at his brother challenged that of a certain redhead. A glare that stated quite clearly 'my way or the highway'.

"I changed my mind. We're leaving now." Loki spun on his heel towards the Bifrost, planning to simply walk the entire way. Teleporting or taking one of the horses from the stables seemed much too complicated, besides, this way made Thor squirm with nerves.

"Wait- Loki, wait." Thor tried to block his path, Loki simply side-stepping him time and time again. "There's so much to do! We can't leave ye-"

"I am going to leave with or without you. If you come with me, at least then you can explain to the mortals why I've returned so soon, if you so desire." It was really the only two facts Loki could connect, that somehow the Avengers contacted Thor to keep the brothers in Asgard. And if Thor wasn't telling Loki the truth, then it was to keep him in Asgard.

"Very well." Thor sighed, "But at least let me pack."

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