Chapter Two

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(K-17's Pov)

"She's remarkable. Her Dna-" A shallow voice cut across the room, gently waking K-17 from her slumber. "It just shouldn't be possible."

"A lot of things Hydra does shouldn't be possible." Another voice answered, this one a bit deeper. But it sounded guilty almost, yet still holding that indifferent soldier tone.

Where was she? Surely not still at the compound- but she couldn't come up with where else they could have taken her. That man in green... he had freed her. Or at least tried to, she presumed, until trying to break into her mind. Between defending herself mentally and changing forms, she passed out from all the abnormal magic use. After that it was all blank.

Until she showed up here, with the strange voices and odd smells. It smelt unfamiliarly clean, hints of a previous prisoner still lingering. The same scent as the man from the compound, she noticed.

"She's waking." The first voice narrated as K-17 lifted her head. She needed to get a look around the room, to really know where she was at. And having unfamiliar voices narrate her every move wasn't doing anything to help her become more at ease.

Empty. Empty except a small pillow, a toilet-box of some kind, and a water bowl at the other end of the room. Next to it there was also a bowl filled with some sort of pebbly substance, though she couldn't quite decide what she was supposed to do with it. Cell would be a more apt description of her room, with no obvious doors or windows, except that most of the room was purely glass. She was trapped in a giant glass bowl.

Why had they moved her? That was the main question running through her mind, as well as who they were and where she was, of course. But mostly why.

If she knew why, she knew what was to come. Pain? More... tests? Despite not knowing another way of life, K-17 really despised what they had done to her. She knew she wasn't always this way- half-cat, that is. Although the time when she had been 'normal' was long past, barely even in her memory now. Now she was always cat, or part cat. Even in her human-like form, despite rarely ever appearing as that.

This was one of the times she really considered how helpful it would be if she could actually speak their language. To understand what they were talking about, and what they were planning for her.

Although she was still laid across the bed, she could feel that her energy was replenished. Enough that she would lie awake for hours if they did nothing, or actually be able to last quite long if they chose to hurt her.

"What- she's not doing anything." A new voice said, this one having a bit of snark to it. Like he was expecting some big show, being disappointed when it didn't happen.

"It's a cat, Tony. It's not like it does much." Yet another voice said, this one seeming friendlier than the first. As she looked around the room, she couldn't spot them, although she could still hear them from wherever they were hiding. "I don't get why we have to take care of it."

"Because Fury said so, and we want Shield to be on our side." A female voice answered, as the rest of the group said nothing. This continued every so often, different voices drifting to and from her cell. No one ever came into the room, although she could hear how they slowly became more casual.


"Stark, it's been three days and she still hasn't touched her food." A voice said one day, one that she's come to know as Loki. K-17 still couldn't figure out their language, albeit listening to it all day while doing nothing. To say she was bored was an understatement.

"She did, I think." 'Stark' answered. Although he was called many things, Tony, shell-head, and iron-idiot among the favorites.

"She hasn't. I would have noticed if she did-"

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