Chapter Thirty Two

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(Kit's Pov)

Eventually the duo found their way inside, but not without at least causing the others to notice their absence. Loki was a skilled kisser, no doubt, and even found a few... other ways to give her the same excitement. With every new thing he tried, Loki made sure she could always deny his advancements. But overall? It was a wonderful experience.

"There you are!" A voice shouted over the dying crowd. Each of the pair still looked just as pristine as when they left, although perhaps with a bit more magical shimmer. "Where did you two lovebirds disappear to?"

Loki played off Clint's comment, just rolling his eyes. Kit struggled to manage a response to the suddenly very personal tease. When the others compared their relationship to love before, she never thought much of it. But now she struggled under their inquisting gazes.

"We just went for a- a walk in the garden." Kit tried to control her voice, and keep it not too happy, nor too nervous. It was a delicate balance. When she stuttered, Kit found herself growing more and more nervous the others might think past the face of her excuse.

Fortunately, in her absence they snuck a few drinks, most of them bordering too close to the line of tipsy to notice. Or care.

"I'm glad you two had fun." Natasha smiled, and Kit doubted if somehow she found out what really happened. But that was impossible. The longer that look remained on her face, Kit realised Nat just wanted her to think that.

Kit smiled back, slowly getting the hang of this secrecy. "We did! It really is beautiful tonight." She glanced briefly towards Loki, who quickly downed a glass of water until he regained control on the reddish purple blush tinting his cheeks.

The night pushed on like this, each saying their bare minimum to be unsuspicious. Eventually the couch they shared became a bed- like many of the Avengers' seats- and they found the courage to cuddle just as they might any other day around the team. The others have seen them lean against and cuddle each other before, so there was a greater chance that they would simply shrug this off.

With Loki's hand waving its way through her hair, tight against his side, Kit found it difficult to fight the exhaustion the day brought. Slowly her eyes dropped, until she only heard parts of conversations. Then just words... voices... murmurs...


(Avenger's Pov)

After all the festivities, everyone was exhausted. They tiptoed back and forth of the border of awake and unconsciousness, barely even aware to realise when two heads fell together in a heap of sleep. Natasha noticed, however, and smiled at the couple. She didn't bother waking them, or telling the others. If they realised on their own, they didn't mention it either.

Until Tony said, "You know, this place is rented through tomorrow morning." This drew the attention of the others, whom lighted up at the opportunity to not have to move. "We could just... stay."

"That is the best idea you've had yet." Bruce murmured, kicked out on his own chair. Clint and Natasha shared a couch, as did Tony and Steve, while Thor claimed a full one on his own. By now, practically all the partygoers had left, those who straggled behind quickly escorted out by security with a swipe from Stark's phone.

The building was secured and Jarvis-ized, as he monitored all cameras. Just in case.

"I just thought of something." Clint muttered to Natasha, although the rest of them could hear clearly anyways. "If we didn't stay here, someone would have had to wake up Loki."

Steve snorted, still keeping it as quiet as possible, however. Natasha peeked up. "We could have woken up Kit, then she would wake him up."

"He would still be mad that we woke her up."

"I could just carry them both-" Thor started.

Everyone turned to him. "He would stab you." They said in unison. Thor chuckled.

"I really am a genius, then." Tony dared to utter, claiming rights to the idea. Steve threw a pillow at his face. "What?"

"Go to sleep."


(Loki's Pov)

Loki awoke slowly, eyes barely peeping open until the events of yesterday flooded him all at once. Library, the party, Kit's confession, after her confession, then falling asleep beside her- on the couch- in front of the Avengers- still in the party building-


In an instant he opened his eyes, looking around at sleeping Avengers. They were still all here, just as they were the night before. Kit was still curled around his side, his hand still caught in her hair.

Loki refused the option to wake her, instead removing his hand to brush the side of her face. She smiled slightly, not quite waking. Only cuddling closer. He kissed the top of her head, content in this moment.

A few chapters of a book, and some pondering about his new relationship later, another Avenger awoke. Natasha.

"You're up early." She whispered, glancing between him and Kit.

"You as well." He responded, not bothering to give a reason to his wake. His words seemed to stir the others, Clint awaking beside Natasha as well.

"Oh- my back-" Clint complained, stretching after sleeping cramped on the couch. It reminded Loki of the fragility of human life, however, drawing him back into his mind. How long exactly would Kit and his relationship last? If nothing went too wrong, he dared to think until death, but how long exactly would that be? Even if the mortal's fictitious 'cats have nine lives' bit were true, how long exactly would one life be? Loki would live some 35 times the span of a human's life, but Kit? Who knows how long she would live for. Or what life she has lived already.

"Loki?" A voice spoke from his side, shaking him from his thoughts. He looked down to see Kit peering up at him curiously.

"Morning, Kitten." Loki said, running a hand through her hair as she sat up. He dared not sneak any kisses in front of the others-

"Good morning!" She smiled happily, kissing him on the cheek without arousing suspicion. Of course she could get away with it. Her exclamation awoke the rest of the group, as 'good morning's and 'why did we choose to sleep on couches?!'s were exchanged.

Inevitably they decided to return promptly to the tower, for coffee and a nice breakfast. 

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