Chapter One

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(Loki's Pov)

"Sending the villain to do their dirty work. How original." Loki was mumbling as he stalked the newly cleared halls, glancing briefly in each room. He was supposed to be checking for any captives or experiments, besides the ones Stark had already pulled from the lab. Loki had finally neared the end of his searching, finding nothing but empty test tubes. "It's like they think I enjoy this."

Loki had been with the Avengers for about eight months now, and he was handed every dirty job and tedious clean-up work they could find. He had expected them to at least accept a part of him now, although they hadn't. Not truly.

It's not like he could blame them completely though. The team still assumed he had been the only one responsible for his actions, though that was only barely the truth. Loki really hadn't been anymore responsible than the victims.

He sighed. It's not like anyone would believe him. Not after all this time assuming wrongly.

Loki continued past many 'rooms', although that could barely do them justice. Cages and cells were more like it. Grimey floors, locked doors, no windows. Most didn't even have a bathroom of sorts. It was inhumane. But that's how Hydra was, he had heard. Which was where the team was now, fresh after the battle.

Right as he was passing by one of- what at least looked like- the newer quarters, something caught his attention. It felt as though a burst of magic had been used, although it felt wild and untamed. Like it was too much power used by an inexperienced user, resulting in what should have been a fiery accident.

But nothing happened. Instead, as he retraced his steps to see this anomaly, Loki heard a small animalistic noise, almost like a mewl- but much quieter. Like whatever had made this noise was trying to be quiet, although its instinctual feeling was to make sound.

Loki, being the curious person he is, peeked his head around the corner, at first not seeing anything more than the shadows cast around the room. But as his eyes adjusted to the change of lighting, he could see the slight glint the bare lights in the hallway reflected off a thick chain. His eyes followed the leash, arriving at a thick collar behind two beady eyes staring back at him. Two mismatched eyes, one an electric blue while the other was a bewitching gold.

"Hello there," He spoke softly, as the young cat looked curiously back at him. He would deny anyone who said he had a soft spot for the felines of this realm, although to say he could tolerate them wouldn't be out of the picture. "And who might you be, little Kitten?"

As expected, the cat didn't answer. Of course not, it was an animal. But Loki being... well, Loki- he couldn't help but feel a connection to it. If still only slightly.

So he looked around the cage for a name of some sorts, or something he could call it to perhaps gain its trust. The only answer to his questions was a small clipboard, holding up the description of the creature in front of him. Experiment K-17, her name followed by a series of words not even all-speak could translate.

K-17? What kind of a name was that? Not noticing anything intriguing or helpful on the paper, Loki turned to the little kitten in front of him. "K-17?"

Its eyes grew the moment he said its name. Like it was some horrible thing, or reminder of things that had happened. He could tell this wasn't a normal kitten, if only by how humanly it looked back at him. There was a story to this feline, one that wasn't of the normal sort.

"Do you like that name? I find it rather inhumane." He spoke to himself mostly, although looking towards the cat. "What about Kit? Stark is always coming up with those annoying nicknames, but maybe one for you could be helpful, Kitten."

Still, it didn't answer him. Just looked up at him hopelessly, not understanding a single word coming out of his mouth.

"I am talking to a cat." Loki sighed, embarrassing himself alone. He tended to do that alot lately. He returned his attention to his captive audience, both literally and figuratively. "You probably want me to free you, correct?"

Yet again, no answer. Loki shrugged, waving his hand to open both her collar and the cage. With what seemed to have been some form of a magic suppressant gone, Loki could feel exactly how much and what form of powers she had. A she, he had noticed, as the little kitten's magic felt feminine.

Wild. Her magic felt more wild and untamed as any Loki had seen yet, completely uncontrolled and untapped- and yet not violent. It was like a glass filled to the brim with water, calm until it was disturbed. Then it became messy.

"A magical kitten." Loki said hesitantly, eyeing the feline. Now that she was free, she should have run out and away. Or perhaps try and attack him- although that seemed highly unlikely. Since she had been freed from what seemed to have been some form of magic suppressant collar, Loki could practically see the magic vibrating around her, and feel her signature and such. Female, and one of the most beginner of mages, although still so powerful. But this wasn't a natural magic- this was the chaotic kind that could wreak so much havoc if left untapped for too long.

Which meant that he had to definitely bring this cat back to the team, if only to not unleash it upon the world. "You wanna come here?" He tried to ask it, holding out his hand gently.

But instead of accepting it, Kit arched her back and hissed, snarling her teeth and trying to back away farther against the wall behind her.

He should have stopped then. But Loki needed this cat to trust him somehow, and what better than to have it come willingly? So he tried to enchant it, however stupid that idea was to preform on a strange animal, with magic no less.

So instead of coming slowly, the small kitten turned into a large panther in an instant, jumping on top of him. She knocked him to the floor, pinning him under her large paws. And the concept of killing him would have been easy in that moment, although by using that much magic already made it nearly impossible.

The pantheress seemed to suddenly grow exhausted, stumbling off of him. She tried to get away- most likely realising her situation, passing out on the floor before she could do so. She didn't move, didn't try anything but lay there passed out.

And right as Loki was contemplating how exactly to transport this feline out of the base, she shrunk tremendously in size, returning to her small cat form.

Loki smiled. This kitten had been exhausted from so much magic use, trying to reserve as much as she could. A survival instinct no doubt, like so many creatures on this planet. He picked her up, holding her tight to her chest.

"Good kitten, nice kitten." He said, as he headed out of the base.

Time for the team to meet their newest member.

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