Saiki VS Saiko

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

I haven't been in the right headspace ever since Kokomi and I went to the amusement park. Her kiss REALLY threw me off. I didn't want to think too much into it because it was something she did out of a whim, but there has to be a better reason for it. If only I had leisure in time, unfortunately it seems I'm being kidnapped agai-

The blindfold was taken off of me and it seems like my wrists and legs are being trapped by a metal chair. Feels like I'm in an action movie. I look in front of me, there is a smug silver haired boy sitting on a literal throne of cash, fanning himself with 100 dollar bills and wearing multiple rings, scion of Saiki Conglomerate, Saiko Metori.

Metori Saiko: Good to see you again, Broke Glasses.

I see he's just as extravagant as ever.

M: You're probably wondering why I brought you here.

I actually am, it's odd for someone as prideful and with a public image to just kidnap someone like this.

M: As an heir to the Saiko Conglomerate, I have to be aware of the recent news of the world.

This is a rare time I see him being responsible.

M: And recent word from my sources say that you and Kokomi have been dating.

What does that have to do with the news of the world?

M: I haven't been on the offensive since the assault of Cider Man No.2,

Thats how he remembers that incident?

M: Mostly because I am well aware that there is no guy that will meet her standards like I can. But seeing her being taken away by the likes of you...PISSES ME OFF!

That sounds familiar.

M: I became less upset that Kokomi was taken from me, and was more upset that this grim, broke glasses guy has something that I can't have.

His pride as an aristocrat wins over his fondness for Kokomi once again.

M: Your existence is in my way, and since I will soon be the most powerful person in the world, your removal will be beneficial in the wide scope of the world.

This is some twisted villain reasoning. I really prefer not showing my secret in front of a son of a billionaire.

T: I'm surprised you still have secrets even after telling me you're a psychic.

Why are her words suddenly popping up in my head?

M: And when you're gone, I can finally get Kokomi as my wife!

He is still going-

T: What would happen if you see someone better for me?

S: I don't know when this guy will show up. But for now, you belong to me...

Why are these memories flooding back to me, every time someone tries to go against me and taunt me, I don't think much of it since they're just annoying me. What is with these heightened emotions I'm going through?

T: Not just any housewife, I want to be your housewife, Kusuo.

T: It's truly something I love.

T: Thank you for giving me the best date.

T: I love you, and I never want this to end.

It's because I love her. That's the answer I was looking for. I thought the time I said it in London was because I was swept up by the mood, but I realize, it was true.

I love her. I'm never upset when something bad happens to me, losing control of my powers, the acts of my twisted brother, the annoyance of everyone around me, and the worrying amount of times I've been kidnapped. But if they involve Kokomi into it, I will protect her no matter the cost.

I love her. Anyone that forces themselves onto her and anything that happens to her will go through me. I will protect her with my life, I will protect her forever,

S: And I'll never let you have her.

M: What?

I break free from the chair's metal straps.

M: How can you escape?! That chair was made from tungsten alloy! Guards, restrain him!

Two guards held onto my arms but I quickly throw them off of me. One guard was prepared to be in a fighting stance, I returned the favour and took him out with some fast rear hooks that he couldn't keep up with.

Guard: Damn you!

One of them even went so far as to trying to tase me with a taser gun, but I used electrokinesis to redirect the electricity from the gun to the guard's body.

All the guards are down. All is left is Saiko, on the ground, speechless from how I fought off his guards.

M: Who...who are you?!

I walk to his throne of cash, took a 100 dollar bill and replaced it with a Cider Man 2 mask. Saiko sees me with the mask,


And he fainted from shock. I don't blame him, a normal guy he kidnapped and threatened turned out to be a super psychic beyond his comprehension. I look around and watch the bodies of the well built highly trained guards and the heir of a conglomerate company.

...I may have gotten carried away.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now