A Karaoke Secret

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

S:...Why am I here?

T: I thought you wanted to try the Grander Chocolate Parfait.

S: But why in a karaoke?

T: Because this is where we can get it.

I see, I've been set up, no wonder the name of the parfait seems familiar.

S: Oh well, I'll just eat the parfait and we'll head home.

T: What are you talking about? You can't go to a karaoke without singing.

Why did I even try?

S: I'm sure you're aware that I prefer not to sing.

T: Very much so, that's where I come in.

She hands me a microphone.

S: So you're trying to convince me to sing?

T: Yes.

S: And you expect me to just go with it?

An awkward silence occupies our blank stares. Kokomi began plotting.

T: Well, if we're not singing, then you don't get a personal concert from perfect girl, Teruhashi Kokomi. 

Reverse psychology. Good move.

S: You're a good singer, but your song choices are quite conceited.

T: I just wanted to get your attention last time, I didn't think you had a problem with it. Don't worry, I have a good song that I've been listening to lately.

I watch Kokomi put in a song as she sits right next to me, Kirari by Ikimono Gakari.

T: Here I go, Kusuo.

S: Alright.

Kokomi clears her voice, and starts singing. 

(Note: For better immersion, I'll put the song link in the comments) 

The karaoke machine gave a quite high 99 points for the performance.

T: How was it, Kusuo?

S:...now that I think about it,

T: Hm?

S: It's actually quite embarrassing to have a song sung to you.

Kokomi starts to feel the second hand embarrassment.

T: Don't bring that up now, now I feel embarrassed! 

T: Anyway, I already sang, it's your turn!

If I were to refuse her offer, she would be really upset with me. I can just insert fake singing to her head through telepathy, but I don't want to be dishonest with her. She really thought ahead to corner me. Kokomi is waiting for me patiently while I mull it over. 

S: Fine.

T: Yay!

I grabbed the tablet and suddenly realized, I don't have a song to sing. There was one song I listened to in the TV I Ieft on while I was reading. I guess I'll sing that one.

The song title popped up on the machine and Kokomi was surprised.

T: Kurayami Shinjuu Soushisouai (Darkness Lovers' Suicide Mutual Love)?

S: It's one of the few songs I barely remember when the TV was on.

The opening melodies started playing.

S: Alright. Here I go.

T: Go! Kusuo!

And then I started singing. Through the whole song, Kokomi just looks shocked. I don't know why, but I'll keep singing to the end.

The karaoke machine gave it a 75. That's fair. Kokomi is still quiet.

S: What's wrong, Kokomi?

Kokomi started laughing.

T: Nothing, it's just that hearing you sing it was so bizarre because it's so different from your usual self. I didn't expect you to put so much effort to singing it either. 

I look to the score on the machine.

S: It's apparently not that good either.

I'm not upset. It's actually higher than I expected.

T: No way! That song was somehow perfect for you!

S: I don't know how it would be, but thank you for liking it.

T: Aw, I was too distracted to record it.

S: I think you have enough stuff about me in there that I don't want others to see.

T: Actually, I think I don't have enough. Usually girls would have way more pictures and videos of their boyfriends.

S: I'm not interesting enough to have multiple unique pictures of.

T: You are pretty boring in that regard.

Wonder where she got that bluntness from. When I sat down, she leans her head on my shoulder.

T: But that is what I like about you.

Due to the amount of times the word was brought up in the songs, I slipped out.

S: Don't you mean love?

I was only greeted with a silence.

T: Yeah.

S: Hm?

T: It is something I love about you.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now