Table Hockey Scuffle

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Nendou Riki: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! THE RAMEN SHOP IS CLOSED!!!!!

Way to start off

Kaido Shun: Stop yelling, you big idiot!

N: What did you say?!

K: Now that I think about it. we never settled on who's better

N: Yeah

This seems familiar

K: The only way to end this, is by going there!

Kaido points at a nearby arcade, the same one we've been to before.

K&N: Let's do this!

You two really should be doing something else. When we arrived, we see someone waiting outside.

T: Oh, Kaidou-kun, Nendou-kun, Saiki-kun.

K&N: Oh...Teruhashi-san.

K: What are you doing here?

T: I met a friend at a coffee shop down the road, so I was just standing here. What are the odds?

Even if the odds are always in her favor.

K: We're going to play a few games at the arcade, want to join us?

T: Sure.

K: Yes! Let's go, Nendou.

N: Yeah!

Don't forget why you're here.

N: Alright, let's start with that!

Nendou points to a punching machine

K: What are you talking about? That's unfair?!

N: Seems fair to me

K: Ha?!

He's not wrong.

T: Uhm, I'm not really good at the game.

N: Oh...sorry, Teruhashi-san

K: What were you thinking?!

N: You suggest a game then!

K: This one!

Kaido points to a quiz machine

N: That's lame!

K: It's not lame! It wouldn't be an arcade game if it was lame!

T: It doesn't seem that fun though.

People don't go out of their way to play a quiz game in an arcade

N: Hear that, Kaiiiiidooooo kuuuuun.

K: Fine! What do you want to play, Teruhashi-san?

T: Me? Uhm...

I ignored her on purpose. I'd probably just pick the same thing again at this poi-

T: What about that one?

She points to a table hockey game.

N: Oh, good idea!

K: Alright, let's play!

...I'll just let it happen.

After an eventful, and more accurately stupid game of table hockey, Nendou emerged as the victor this time.

N: Yosha!

K: Damnit!

T: That was a game

S: Sure was

K: Teruhashi-san, do you want to play a game?

T: Uhm, I'm not sure.

N: I thought you wanted to play?

S: He's got you there.

T: Then you should join in too, Saiki-kun.

...I see how it is. Now I have to play against Kokomi

S: Why did you drag me into this?

T: Come on Kusuo, let's just have fun.

S: The last time you brought me to a place like this, the point wasn't to have fun.

5 minutes later

K: What's going on?! They're neck and neck!

He was right. The puck can barely be seen being sent back and forth in rapid speed. Both are hunched down gaining control of the whole table, sending the puck to every angle possible.

N: This is so cool! Go pal! Go Teruhashi-san!

T: You would usually let me win when people are watching.

S: This is your way of making me have fun, so I didn't want to waste your effort.

K: Teruhashi-san's doing all she can to maintain balance between offense and defense, using every opportunity to hit a blind spot, but Saiki's scary, his reflexes seem inhuman and his offense was as strong as Nendou.

Thank you for the narration!

I let my strength slip from playing the straight man, the last puck for the last goal went too fast for Kokomi to react and ended up breaking her side of the table.

K&N: Woah!

K: That was awesome, Saiki!

N: You should play against me next, pal!

T: I guess I lost this time.

K: Don't worry Teruhashi-san, you played amazingly too!

Kokomi sees me watching them get excited about the game.

T: Are you having fun?

S: I sure am.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя