A Special Rainy Day

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I was walking alone in the rain. I underestimated how cold the rain can be, and I can only hear the sound of rain around me.

T: I'm so bored.

You don't have to be that indirect.

I noticed that Kusuo teleported right behind me and I brightened up.

T: Well, I didn't want to sound desperate.

S: Desperate? We planned for this.

T: I didn't expect you to get away from Nendou and Kaidou that easily.

S: It's very easy when they start arguing.

We started walking together in the rain.

T: Kusuo,

S: Hm?

T: I'm cold.

You want to walk under the same umbrella?

T: Eh?!

S: I'm pretty sure that's what you were leading into.

T: Hmmm, you're not fun.

S: You want to be under the same umbrella or not?

I immediately moved under his umbrella.

T: I didn't want to say no.

I saw Kusuo slightly blushing from my attack and turned away. I'm using the opportunity of the rain to touch shoulders with Kusuo.

T: Kusuo, I'm still cold.

He didn't hesitate to put his arm on my shoulder.

I was surprised from the counter attack that I got quiet the entire walk.

POV: Saiki Kusuo

When we arrived in front of my house, Kokomi held on to my arm that was on her shoulder.

S: What is it?

Kokomi suddenly hugged me.


T: Kusuo...thank you for the trip to Okinawa.

S: Oh, you're welcome.

T: But the trip hardly felt like a date.

...She's right, I was too focused on where we went and what we were going to do that we didn't really focus on each other.

T: I didn't like the distance we had that time. I hated it. It was...like the days my love was one sided.

Her voice gets softer and starts to break. I need to fix this. I held her arms on the side and used my mouth to speak.

S: Kokomi.

Kokomi looks up with teary eyes.

I kissed her forehead.

Kokomi froze and started to cover her forehead while blushing.

S: Is this good enough?

Kokomi looked down in embarrassment, still covering her forehead.

S: Or you want something more?

Kokomi looks to me opening my arms to her. She didn't hesitate to continue hugging me while I stroke her head.

Our silence was only accompanied by the fading rain, but we can hardly hear it because we were only paying attention to each other.

S: I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner, Kokomi.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now