London Date

612 19 9

POV: Saiki Kusuo

We decided to start our date by getting breakfast at the hotel cafe.

S: I think I'll just get a cup of coffee.

T: Really? It's going to be a long day.

S: We can grab something to eat on the way.

T: What's wrong with food here?

S: Their breakfast makes me lose my appetite instead.

T: Come on Kusuo, you need to enjoy the pure London experience with me.

S: Hm, I guess I can switch to something more local like some black tea.

T: The closest tea to coffee?

S: I have my ways to enjoy London breakfast.

She takes the menu and shows one of the items to me.

T: Then we should both eat this.

She points to a full breakfast. I look at it with discontent.

T: What's wrong with it?

S: The food items aren't really the problem, I can't imagine eating all of that when I wake up. 

T: Well I'm pretty hungry, unless you want to eat something lighter.

S: I guess I can try their Eggs Benedict.

Our food and drinks arrived, Kokomi ordered a full breakfast comprising of sausages, eggs, bacon, black pudding, baked beans, tomatoes, mushrooms and toast with some sweet tea. I settled for eggs benedict and black tea.

T: I look like a glutton now.

S: Just eat, you can share if you can't finish it.

T: Your meals look mature too.

S: I'm not that big of a breakfast person.

T: Now that I think about it, what is black pudding anyway, I always assumed its something sweet.

S: Way to ask me after you already got it. It's a blood sausage. 

T: Blood? What blood?

S: Either beef or pork.

T: Is it good?

S: I know what it is doesn't mean I've tried it.

Now she's hesitating to eat it.

S: You can try one first, you'll never know.

She boldly tries a piece of it. An odd sight watching Kokomi's struggle in the morning. She just kept chewing with a look of confusion.

S: How is it? 

T:...It's nutty, earthy...and slightly metallic

S: Sounds like the blood part of it.

T: A lot of seasoning so it's pretty spicy and herby, but chewy and meaty as well. 

S: I have heard that it's a superfood with a lot of nutritional value.

T: There's also a lot to unpack from the taste itself.

S: Maybe it'll taste better if u eat with other parts of the breakfast.

T: You're right.

She takes the blood pudding and eats it with the eggs and sausages.

T: Mmm!

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now