Makoto Teruhashi

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Makoto Teruhashi: What did I say about staying away from my sister, you human trash!

Kokomi's perverted brother finally found out, I expected this to happen but not this soon.

T: Are you sure you don't want me to be involved?

S: This is between me and your brother, I'll call you in when it's over.


My heart actually skipped a beat there.

M: I don't know what kind of tricks you used to my dear Kokomi, but I will snap her out of it and will enlighten you that she should be with me!

He's still as creepy as I remembered. This has gone far enough.

S: Listen here,

M: Oh, you're talking back to me, shitty four eyes! Once again, you think you're special just because you get to talk to Kokomi a few more times, and you took advantage of that to fool my Kokomi!

S: Are you done?

M: Done? I'm far from done! I can list infinite reasons of Kokomi's greatness and how you scum should know your place.

Great, I triggered his crazy eyes, and hasn't he done it before?

S: This is pointless.

M: Pointless?!

S: This doesn't change the fact that I'm still dating Kokomi.

M: Kokomi?! How dare your filthy mouth say her name!

He's just venting at this point.

S: I don't really care what you're going to do to me from now on, because I can very well brush it aside.

Makoto was taken aback by my confidence.

S: But if things go too far, I can just bring Kokomi into it, and I don't think she'll be happy that her brother is bothering her boyfriend.

M: You...bastard!

He stood from the floor and tried to punch me. I can just simply dodge it, but I can give him an example from my statement.

S: Kokomi, now!

She hastily opens the sliding door and sees her brother trying to punch me.

T: Oni-chan, what are you doing to Kusuo?!

M: Kusuo?

T: If you don't like him, just say it to my face, don't hurt him!

M: But Kokomi-

T: But what? I don't want to hear it! Oni-chan, I hate you!

The words "I hate you" echoed in his mind and haunted him. He froze in shock.

T: That's enough out of you! Go home already!

He leaves the room hunched with soulless eyes.

T: Honestly, What happened between you two?

S: I can't tell you. If you think I said the wrong things to him, then I did.

T: Not really, I trust you.

She holds and leans on my arm.

T: Sorry about my brother.

S: It's fine. I know he's like that.

I looked at her and I felt guilt from her face.

S: I'll find a way to deal with him, ok?

T: Alright.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now