An Astronomical Planetarium

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

We were both in my room as usual. I was reading a book on my bed while Kokomi was looking outside.

T: I wonder why I rarely see stars outside nowadays.

S: Light pollution.

T: Light pollution?

S: Artificial light covers the light of the stars in the sky.

T: Oh.

Got an uninterested response. I know where this is going so I just sighed it off.

S: You want to go see stars?

T: Sure!

No hesitation. Looks like she wanted me to ask that. Wait, I know she wanted me to ask her that.

The next day,

POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

All Kusuo told me was to wear normally, but I still don't know where he's going to take me.

Don't tell me, is he going to take me to the cold desert when the stars so clear that it brightens up the sky, a sky reserve protected just to witness the beauty above, or a national park where even the nature below the stars are just as beautiful. I'm so excited!

Kusuo, is indifferent as usual and lent me his hand.

S: Let's go.

T: Where?

S: You'll see.

Once I held his hand, we were transported in front of an undisclosed sandwich shop. Seems like we're still in Japan. In front of us is a big grey building with a dome at the top.

T: Where are we?

S: Shibuya.

I processed my thoughts onto why he brought me to Shibuya. And then it hit me.

T: Is this the Shibuya Planetarium?

S: It is.

T: An oddly normal place for you to take me.

S: Where else do you want to see the stars?

I didn't want to continue the conversation, since he's the one that brought me everywhere so far.

When we entered the planetarium, the places we pass by are mostly museum-like, showing documents of space travel and items that came from or went to space. It seemed interesting but nothing more. Our main reason for being here is waiting.

We entered a bright room surrounded by chairs. The room seemed brighter because the ceiling was white. In the center of the room was a globe that had multiple camera lens.

S: Let's find somewhere to sit.

T: Sure.

We sat and waited a few minutes until the room suddenly turned dark.

The globe lit up and showed an entire ceiling of planets and stars. The video cameras have such high quality that the white ceiling just disappeared and turned into the night sky. The planets and stars looked so real as if the stars were brought right in front of us.

Despite my high expectations at first, the planetarium date is actually quite fun. But Kusuo seemed unsatisfied the entire time.

I whispered to Kusuo.

T: Isn't this amazing? sure is.

That was the most stale response he's ever given me. When we exited the planetarium, I tried to lighten up the mood.

T: Wasn't that fun?

Kusuo just blankly stared at me and held out his hand.

T: What is it?

S: You don't want to go back?

T: Oh, Ok.

I don't know why, I expected something different.

But when I held his hand, we were suddenly encased in a bubble.

T: Eh?

Suddenly, the floor beneath us is gone. And when I looked up,

T: Eh?!

We're in space.

T: EH?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

T: Why are we in space?! What is going on?! How are we breathing?!

I was drove to a panic. You can't blame me for it, I was in Shibuya 5 seconds ago and I'm now floating in the void vacuum of space.

S: Kokomi!

T: Huh?

I just realised that Kusuo tried to calm me down the entire time, I finally gained composure when Kusuo had to shout at me.

T: Kusuo,

S: Look at me and take deep breaths.

I did what he said and it managed to calm me down. It distracted me from the literal big picture thats overwhelming me, and it helped me realize that I'll always be safe, because I have Kusuo.

S: Are you fine now?

T: I am.

Kusuo, that was facing me the entire time, stood next to me and laid down.

S: Kokomi,

T: Yes?

S: Once you've cleared your mind, just sit next to me and look up.

T: Oh, alright then.

After getting used to this very unfamiliar surrounding, I sat next to Kusuo and looked up.

And the sight I saw was literally out of this world.

The stars seemed like it was right next to each other and looked as if it was clumped together like rainfall on a window. The most amazing part is that this beauty was endless. Anywhere you turn your eyes, there are glowing dots greeting you in the pitch black void.

T: Wow.

S: It's sincere this time.

Kusuo noticed my jaw dropped. Kusuo also noticed that I haven't been ecstatic about the date before the stargazing.

T: You knew?

S: You thought I didn't?

T: Oh yeah, breach of privacy.

An awkward moment of silence happened until I brought back the conversation.

T: So did you did this for me?

S: Not really. I wasn't feeling it for the stars in the planetarium.

I don't know why I had hope in his answer. It's been a while he's been this blunt.

T: So you just bring me to places you want to go on a whim instead of trying to amaze me?

S: I thought we agreed on that.


S: What's that supposed to mean?

I took this opportunity and laid next to Saiki to see the stars. And after gathering the courage,

I kissed him on the cheek. Kusuo instantly touched his cheek in surprise.

T: Thank you for doing this for me, Kusuo

S:...No problem. 

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat