Restaurant Reading

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POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I had something to do, so I'm a bit late to the restaurant Saiki and I decided to hang out in. I need to hurry because Saiki is waiting for me.

When I got near the restaurant, I saw someone walking towards me, probably also wanting to go the restaurant as well. She's a blond tanned girl, wearing the same school uniform.

Its Aiura Mikoto.

Mikoto: Oh! Kokomi-chan!

T: Its good to see you, Aiura-san.

M: You're gonna enter here?

T: Yeah, for lunch.

M: Let's go together and have a chat!

T: Uhm, sure.

M: Yay! Let's go!

When we both walked in, we both see Saiki sitting by himself with a drink.

M: Kusuo! What are you doing here, you big loner!

He plainly stares at her.

M: Don't be like that.

How does she know what he's saying? Are they that close? Or...

During my contemplation, Aiura didn't hesitate to sit next to Kusuo. So I casually sat on the other side with a fake smile.

M: Kusuo! Our school trip is soon, wanna pair up?

T: Aiura-san.

M: What is it?

T: Every group for the school trip have seven people.

M: Really? Bummer.

T: *Kusuo? Can I talk to you?*

S: *If we talk for too long, Mikoto-san might get suspicious, I'll explain everything later.*

Hmmmm, looks like Kusuo cant help me here.

M: So, since the school trip needs to have seven people, who are you guys grouped up with? 

T: I decided to stick with Mera and Chiyo like last year.

Aiura glanced at Kusuo for a moment.

T: What about you, Aiura-san?

M: I can group with all the girls fine, but all the guys are annoying. But I dont mind if its Kusuo.

Aiura-san tried to hold Kusuo's arm again but Kusuo swiftly moves his arm away.

M: Wait, you two were in the same group last year right?

T: We were.

M: Can I join in! Please please please please!

I looked to Kusuo.

S: Your image, not mine.

He's right, if I just denied Aiura's request, It'll ruin my image as the perfect girl.

T: Sure, I dont see the problem.

M: Yay!

M: So what did you do last year?

T: A lot, we went to a pineapple farm, the aquarium, some good restaurants and walked around the city.

Aiura-san glanced at Kusuo for a moment.

M: Well, looks like some of us have different opinions of the school trip. But it still sounds like fun!

M: So Kokomi-chan, girl to girl question,

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now