Our First Christmas

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

Mom: Oh, Teruhashi-san, you're here!

T: Thank you for having me.

M: You're not spending time with your family this Christmas?

T: My family is very busy this year, so it'll be lonely to spend it alone.

M: I see, it's not a problem then, you should see us as your family too.

T: Oh, ok then...

Of course she turned shy.

A voice was heard from the outside of the room.

D: I'm home!

M: Welcome back honey!

And of course he enters the house wearing a Santa costume.

D: Merry Christmas from Santa!

Teruhashi and I just stared at him blankly.


D: Honey, you should have told me that someone was coming over.

M: Ku-chan invited her, so I didn't know either.

Why do I feel like this has happened before?

T: Uh, Mr. Saiki, care to join us for Christmas dinner?

D: Of course!

As my dad sat down, Teruhashi and my parents raised their glasses to cheer. Teruhashi didn't see me lift a finger and called me out for it.

T: Saiki.

I sighed and lifted my glass as well.

My parents chuckled at our skit.

M: Teruhashi-san, this is actually a good time to call Ku-chan by his name, since we're all technically Saiki.

T: Uh, but...

S: Stop teasing her.

M: Aw, alright then.

My mom wanted to strike a conversation during our Christmas meal.

M: So Teruhashi-san, how do you usually celebrate your Christmas?

T: My family doesn't treat Christmas like a holiday, so I usually take the chance to have some time for myself, or spend time with others.

M: Eh, why's that?

T: My family's jobs are always busy so I'm used to it.

M: Well we can't have that.

I almost forgot that my mom cares more about family time in holidays than most parents.

M: Teruhashi-san, from now on, you are spending time with us during the holidays.

S: Don't force her into-

T: I...would appreciate it actually.

I raised my eyebrows in pleasant surprise.

T: It guarantees that I get to spend time with Sai...Kusuo.

My parents turned to me, expecting a reaction but my face remained stone cold, and Teruhashi noticed.

T: Are you alright?

It's nothing.

D: So Teruhashi-san, did you believe in Santa when you were younger?

T: Of course, what child wouldn't love the idea of getting gifts every year.

S: I thought you always get what you want.

T: You can never get too much free stuff.

I scoffed from her remark and Teruhashi slightly giggled from my response.

M: That reminds me! Have you seen Ku-chan wearing a Santa costume?

T: Really?!

She looked at me with glowing and hopeful eyes.

S: No.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now