The Genius, The Psychic and The Beauty

571 19 3

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Kusuo teleported us to the hotel his brother booked for us. 

Kusuke: Come, have a seat.

I granted his request, Kusuo didn't, lying against the wall behind me like a bodyguard.

K: Don't be so tense, Kusuo, sit with us.

S: I would rather not.

T: I actually want to ask,

K: What is it?

T: Kusuo has his headpieces to restrain his powers, is yours the same?

K: Haha, I wish, this is a telepathy blocker. My intellect doesn't need restraints, as it doesn't compare to your lover over there.

T: Lover?!

He's really not letting it down.

T: Wait, so you can't hear Kusuo?

K: Not at all.

T: Then how have you been communicating with him?

K: I guess.

T: You guess?

K: I guess, I think you also notice that Kusuo doesn't say anything different from usual, whenever I say something, he doubts me and thinks I have ulterior motives, whether that's true is a secret. Whenever he wants to talk to me, he either questions my actions or is telling me off, really hurting my pride as an older brother.

S: Don't act like the victim.

K: Like that, I can immediately tell he's telling me off just from saying that.

T: That's impressive.

K: And I can pretty much figure out how a conversation between you two will pan out.

T: Really?

K: Of course, it's interesting to observe since he talks to you and treats you differently from everyone else. I know for a fact that Kusuo never starts a conversation, seeing how detached he is from other people. So you would always start the conversation. Kusuo will always answer technically since he can't pick up on social cues and if it's an offer, he'll always express his distaste and disagree at first.

T: He's right at the mark.

S: Don't agree with him.

K: But an interesting thing I encountered is that he can never say no to you. Maybe it has something to do with natural order or something. Probably part of the reason why he can't reject your confession.

T: What do you mean? 

K: As much as I disagree and not see it, you tend to make the whole world revolve around you in a social and almost literal sense, so anything you say and do affects other people whether they want to or not. Even I was affected at one point and I see right through it, and suprisingly, Kusuo's not an exception. There's a chance that your confession cornered Kusuo more than I ever could.

T: Oh, I se-

K: It is impressive how you don't view your lifestyle as overly selfish and conceited. You are quite unaware that you use your gift in such an exploitative manner. I fully expected your artificial forced "relationship" to fail at the first wee-

S: That's enough.

I feel a piercing glare from Kusuo behind me.

K: Oh...I-I might have gotten carried away. That aside, it seems that you know about Kusuo's powers as well.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now