Teruhashi meets Anpu

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POV: Anpu

I'm hungry, time to get some food from the soft old geezer.

Dad: Ampu chan, heres your snack!

You sure took your time, old man.

D: Youre so cute!

I'll let him pet me for now, so I can get more food later.

D: Oh, Kusuo, you're back.

Saiki Kusuo, the only human that is immune to my charm and looks at me like hes looking at an inferior being. So naturally, we don't get along. Looks like theres someone behind him. A beautiful girl with blue hair greets the old man.

Anpu: Oh...

POV: Saiki Kusuo

Anpu: Oh...

The cat stopped eating and started gazing at Teruhashi. Really? Cats too?

Anpu did not hesitate to rub himself onto Teruhashi.

T: Hi there, you cute cat.

She lowered her upper body to pet Anpu.

Anpu raised his head to look at me.

S: If you go overboard, I will erase you from existence.

Anpu got scared and hid behind Teruhashi

T: Whats wrong?

She looked at me with suspicion.

T: Did you scare him?

S: I'm keeping him in check.

T: You need to learn to be nicer.

S: Sure sure.

Im too lazy to tell her how twisted animals can be.

T: Good, I'm going to head in first.

S: Alright.

When she entered the house, Anpu smirked at me.

A: So, you landed yourself a hottie?

S: Why are you talking to me like that?

A: Whats wrong? Are you jealous that I'm getting close to her?

S: You're a cat.

A: Don't look down on my cuteness, foolish human, I will make her love me more than yo-

He stopped as I closed the door on him. Why did I let a cat waste my time?

Ten minutes later in my room...

T: Saiki,

S: Hm?

T: What would happen...

Looks like she wants to toy with me.

T: If there was a guy particularly interested in me?

S: You mean every single guy in this world?


T: Ok let me rephrase that.

She really didn't think that through.

What if there was a guy that you would think I would be interested in?

S: Remember Metori Saiko?

T: What about him?

S: Exactly.

She pouted.

T: You know, it wouldn't hurt for you to show a little bit of jealousy.

S: I don't even show you emotion.

T: Do you even know what jealousy is?

S: Of course I do, I'm a psychic, not a robot.

T: Then what would happen if you see someone better for me?

S: We would break up.


T: Seriously?

S: You said someone better for you.

T: And you said you're not a robot. What if he's bad for me?

S: I'll kill him.

I paused for a second as soon as I notice that she's going to be upset at me.

S: ...if he goes too far.

T: Hm, I guess thats better.

I stood up and sat next to her.

T: Saiki?

I put my hand on hers that was resting on the floor.

S: I don't know when this guy will show up. But for now, you belong to me, Teruhashi.

She looks down, covering her shyness and blushed face.

The next day...

POV: Anpu

Oh look, it's the pink haired human, time to take his girlfriend away from him!

He walked to me and grabbed my Achilles heel, which is the skin behind my ears,

A: What are you doing?! Your girlfriend will be upset at you!

T: Thanks Saiki, when I went home yesterday, my cat got upset with me because she smelled Anpu.


POV: Saiki Kusuo

I can tell that Anpu has a shocked expression when I put him back down. Looks like he's gonna stay like that for a while.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now