Our First New Year Hangout

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M: Dig in!

K: Woah! It looks amazing!

N: Thank you for the food!

S: *Why am I even here?*

 *Come on, I even helped with the food. You should at least try it.*

S: *Fine.*

H: Mmm! It's so good!


K: Don't shout at my ear!

M: I'm glad you like it! Teruhashi actually helped me a lot with it.

H: I see, so you did ask Mrs. Saiki to teach you how to cook.

T: I did.

M: What are you talking about? I know you always visit just to see your Kusuo.


The silence was needed but not what I hoped for.

Hairo, Nendou and Kaidou froze. I almost forgot that someone potentially dating the most beautiful girl in the world can be shocking to most.

K: Hey, that's not true right? Teruhashi-san? Saiki? Right? Right? Right?...

Kaidou kept asking questions but was so desperate for an answer because no one could answer him.

N: Uh................

It seems that Nendou's brain stopped working and steam can be seen from the top of his head.

Hairo, as someone who is very romantically oblivious and just sees everyone he sees as a friend, took some time to keep his composure.

H: Oh, is that so...

Great. Now the situation has turned awkward and chaotic at the same time somehow.

S: Teruhashi.

T: Yeah?

S: Fix this.

T: Eh?! Why me?!

S: Do you think I can dissolve this situation?

T: Hmm...

She took a deep breath before attempting to gain control of the room.

T: Guys, she was just joking!

Kaidou broke from his trance of denial and Hairo quickly trusted her to reduce the awkwardness of the room. Nendou also shook his head furiously to regain consciousness.

K: I see, Ha ha ha ha.

Kaidou laughed awkwardly to lighten up the mood.

N: What are we laughing about?

K: Shut up, you idiot!

N: What did you say?!

H: Now now calm down.

Nendou and Kaidou's bickering livened up the room as my parents laughed watching them argue.

But I noticed that Teruhashi looked upset. Maybe she felt bad that these things can happen just from dropping by my house often.

H,N & K: Thank you for your hospitality!

D: There's no need for that, you can visit us anytime.

K: I'll repay the favor when I save the wo- thank you.

Teruhashi gave a fake smile, trying to hide her sadness from a while back.

H: Teruhashi-san,

T: What is it?

H: Where's your handbag?

T: Oh, I left it in the house. Let me get it.

I was lying on the front door frame and I entered before her.

When she entered my house, she passed by me to get her handbag.

I grabbed her hand,

Pulled her towards me,

And hugged her.

T: Huh?! Saiki?!

S: Teruhashi.

She looked up to me and realised that our faces were very close together. She blushed red and looked away.

S: I know you're upset.

T: What- are you talking about?

S: Teruhashi.

She looked back at me and I gave her a knowing look. She pouted and looked away again.

T: That's not fair.

S: I don't think I need to have telepathy to know what you're feeling. You're less subtle than you think you are.

At this point, shes upset at me.

S: You don't want to go to me when you have a problem?

T: It's not that...

S: I thought you want me to be more human?

She stayed silent, not knowing how to respond.

S: Let me handle this, ok?

T: okay.

S: Teruhashi,

She looked up to me once more, still blushing when her face meets mine.

S: Happy New Year.

T: Happy...New Year.

I was going to let go but she put her arms around me.

T: Can we...stay like this for a bit longer?

S: Good grief.

She ignores my remark as she shoves her face into my chest.

I continued hugging her. Her body wasn't warm but she warmed me up just enough to be comforting. Her hair had a faded but pleasant scent of shampoo. All of that made the hug somewhat bearable.

S: Aren't you taking a bit too long to get your handbag?

Her eyes opened wide from the realization and broke from the hug.

T: Right! I'll go get it!

POV: Teruhashi Kokomi

I got carried away from the hug! I'm so embarrassed!

When I walk to the stairs, I met Mrs. Saiki.

M: Teruhashi-chan, I'm sorry about what I said just now.

I wasn't upset at her, I'm actually happy because I got Saiki to hug me.

I simply smiled brightly and replied,

T: It's fine!

Mrs. Saiki looked slightly confused but relieved.

When I took my handbag and was about to leave the house, I turned to Saiki.

T: Saiki.

S: Hm?

T: See you!

He smiled gently.

S: See you.

POV: Saiki Kusuo

As soon as Teruhashi left the house,

Looks like I'll have to use this again.

I pulled out the object that looks like a Nanana.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now