A relaxing New Year

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POV: Saiki Kusuo

For celebrating the New Year, today is quite uneventful since Kokomi caught a cold.

T: I'm sorry for having you take care of me on New Years Day.

S: Its fine. I would have done something similar today anyway. I also dont trust you know who when you're sick.

T: Who?

S: You're lucky its not a school day, or it would've been annoying.

T: Way to change the subject. Was it that bad?

S: I had to convince everyone that it wasn't serious.

T: You did that for me?

S: I mostly did it for myself back then. You should know that you're important to everyone.

T: I do know. I just want you tell me that.

Our conversation was interrupted by noises outside. I glanced outside and saw children having a snowball fight.

T: They're having so much fun.

S: They sure are.

T: I would love to play in the snow.

She rests her head on my shoulder.

S: Focus on getting better then we can consider it.

Kokomi's voice became softer.

T: You know, we actually did so much for the past year.

S: We sure did.

T: We went on a lot of dates.

S: Mostly tiring.

T: But you still enjoyed them. I even got to meet some interesting characters close to you, like your sister and your cat.


T: Your parents were nice enough to spend Christmas, you gave me this pearl necklace that I always treasured.

Kokomi held my hand.

T: And this was the year when we started dating.

Kokomi suddenly went quiet and the side of my body felt heavier. I turn to see Kokomi fast asleep.

S: Good grief. You really don't have to push yourself like that.

When I carried Kokomi to her bed and tucked her, I remembered that I had something to give her.

S: I didnt get a chance to give this to you since you're sick.

I put my new years card on her bedside.

S: But I'm looking forward to spending another year with you, Kokomi.

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now