Chapter 98 : Something Sweet?

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The next morning after having breakfast in my room, I went to the place where Lael wanted me to meet. I found him waiting nervously while holding a small box in his hand. I have also passed by several maids who have greeted me cheerfully while sneaking a glance at one another giggling. I was confused by their behavior at first but now I know why.

They probably saw Lael dressed up so handsomely while waiting at a very romantic spot by the blooming flowers in the garden. Yep... This is the reason why they are giggling like that. Lael is just so... handsome.

Hmm? I would have thought he will be holding a bouquet of flowers in his hand and yet that wasn't the case. Maybe it's because I constantly rejected flowers that he gave me before. Back then, when I was still in the academy, Lael would sneak inside to gift me flowers every day but I constantly burn those flowers. I have a deep hate for flowers during those times. Now that I have to think of it... I probably traumatized him because of it.

"Your Highness... Good morning," I greet him as I watch his eyes light up upon seeing my face. But seeing him smile at me like this... that probably wasn't the case.

A bright smile automatically appeared on his lips as he walked toward me. His smile never ceases to brighten my day no matter how bad it started.

"My lady... Rissa! Good morning!" He greeted me cheerfully as his cheeks turned pink.

Ha... I can't do this! How did he become as bright as the sun?? But... I do like this version of his rather than that serious face he always wears whenever we are at the guild or just doing a mission. Though right now... seeing him like this kind of reminds m of a dog. A giant fluffy brown dog wagging his tail at its owner while staring with those adorable eyes.

No... let us not compare his handsome face to a dog. Dogs are cute, but Lael is handsome... A very good-looking man.

"How was your sleep last night? Did you find your bed comfortable? How about breakfast? Have you eaten breakfast yet?"

The moment we step inside the garden, Lael's words continuously poured out from his lips I can only nod my head in response. This is... I think he has changed too much the moment he returned here. He wasn't this relaxed back when we were still at the guild. But now...

"Yes, everything has been comfortable so far, your highness. I am truly grateful for the wonderful welcome," I answer him with a bright smile as I can see his ears turning red.

Pfft! Ah! What should I do? I want to tease him more!

"I- I see. I am glad you have been enjoying your stay so far. And here, I have something for you," He said as he gave me the small box he was holding.

"Thank you, your highness. May I ask what is this?" He probably noticed me glancing at the box he is holding. What can I say, I am curious as to what he may be holding... especially with this kind of romantic atmosphere going on.

Besides, Lia's words talking about marriage are echoing in my mind. I can't help but be a bit curious and nervous because of what he did during my arrival here. But the size of the box is larger than a ring box, so I can safely assume that this is not a ring. I cannot believe I have analyzed something this small because of Lia's words!

"Open it... I am sure you will love it," he said as he slowly unwraps the blue ribbon for me.

I can hear the excitement in his tone. He probably put a lot of thinking into this gift he is giving me. What am I even saying? Of course, he put a lot of thought into every gift he has given me? But... why does my heart keep thumping like this? Why am I suddenly feeling nervous around him? '

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