Chapter 32 : The Visitor

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I am currently wearing a dark blue winter dress paired with the ribbon that Lianne gifted me before. Though I am a bit reluctant to wear one of the pieces of jewelry, they gifted me. I wore a blue jade bracelet that brother Rian gifted me.

With the two knights walking behind me, Sara on my right side, and Mr. Thoma in the front escorting me to the living room... all the servants' attention are on us.

I still can't get used to all the stares I am receiving but... This is nothing compared to what I experienced in the past. So, I held my head up high and continue walking as I ignore their whispers with every step I took.

We eventually reach the living room after what felt like a very long walk in the hallway.

"Young master, I have brought the young miss," Mr. Thoma announces making Rian turn to look at us.

"Greetings brother," I greeted him as I curtsey.

"Errissa," Rian stands up from his seat as he offers his arm to me.

I accepted his arms as he escorts me to the guest they mention. I haven't had a chance to see the guest's face as I was looking at the floor the whole time. An intense gaze landed on me the moment I enter the room, and it never left even when Rian went towards me.

My eyes widened in surprise the moment I recognise the person who is openly staring at me. It has been a long time since I last heard from him. I think the last time I saw him was during the time that they decided for me to be sent here at the Redmond Duchy.

"Greetings, Master Aiden," I greeted him as I lower my head.

Normally as a Duke's daughter, I would not lower my head to him even with his title as the master of the magic tower. Since the Redmond family is one of the most prestigious families as descendants of the first Saintess. They are just below in ranking from his grace the Archduke. That is why, what Errissa has done spread fast around the whole kingdom, and affected the reputation of the duchy.

But since I am currently a villain temporarily staying at the duchy, I need to lower my head to him.

"It has been a while," he greeted back with his tone much more... uh, how do I say this? Calmer? Or gentler? Then it was before.

"Uh, y-yes. It has been a while,"

"Why don't we all have a sit," Rian must have observed the slight awkward atmosphere between us that he cut in.

The maids quickly placed down the snacks and tea that they have brought before they hesitantly serve me a cup of tea. They likely would not serve me anything if it weren't for Rian placing a plate of cake in front of me.

It has been a routine for him to serve me first before getting anything for him. Every time we were having tea time, either in the private indoor garden we have or to his office, he will serve me first the best cake the maids have brought. It is also one of the reasons why maids are paying more attention to me than before.

"Well then, Aiden, my dear friend. I am certain you know why I ask you to visit here," brother Rian started once he is satisfied that I have taken a bite of the cake he gave me.

Yeah, I am wondering why my brother invited him. I supposed they hadn't seen each other for a long time ever since Aiden graduated earlier than him.

"I only accepted this since it's your request," he simply answers.

"Now then, Errissa, Aiden will be staying for a while. And-" Rian then turn to face me as I took a sip of my tea.

That is when I realize I am the only one eating as they are both watching me.

"Y-yes?" I carefully placed down the teacup as I swallow the hot tea quickly, burning the back of my throat.

"Aiden will be mentoring you for a few days."

Mentoring? For what and why?

I tilt my head in confusion as I stare at Rian, "Is there a reason why I need to have a mentor?"

I know Errissa has already graduated before all her crimes were announced on the day of their party. So why do I need a mentor for? And why does it have to be the Master of the tower??

"There is something we have to examine regarding your mana," Aiden is the one who answers as he leans in the chair he is sitting on.

My mana? Could it be... the reason why he said my aura changed?

I can feel my heart pounding loudly in my ribcage as I turn to face him.

"Is there something wrong with my mana?"

I could probably use this chance to fully learn to control my mana, after that... I will find a way to fix everything. Since his highness has said before, for me to find a way to serve for my crime, right?

If I manage to find a way to serve her crime, I will no longer have to stick to this kingdom. I can just start a new life with Sara in another country.

"Yes, there is."

"..." I sincerely thought he will at least answer in a more subtle tone but...

"Don't worry Errissa. He will only help until you can complete the elemental test," Rian explains as he gave me a reassuring smile.

He is aware of what has happened back at the graduation party that leads to this situation. And Aiden is one of the reasons why Errissa has been named a villainess.

I am certain this request from my brother is difficult for Aiden to fulfill considering everything. And... I- I do not know if he will turn the same as him.

Just thinking about it is making my heart pound loudly.

N-no, come on... take a deep breath. In and out.

"Is there something wrong?" I flinch in surprise as I heard Aiden's voice.

I glance up only for me to encounter his eyes. Huh? Is it just I or something about him is different?

The glaring cold eyes he has melted down, and he is now just looking at me much more calmly?

I took a deep breath before I try thinking of an answer, "Does his grace know about this?"

Both Rian and Aiden look away from me the moment I ask this question. I don't need to hear them respond to know the answer. I let out a sigh, for sure, the duke will reject the idea of giving me a mentor.


Aiden's POV

It is strange...

Now that I am facing her once again, her mana flow has changed. No... it's more like, they have flowed once again. The moment she was found in the abandoned temple in the forest of Agar, I was not paying much attention to her mana flow.

The only time I paid attention to her mana was during the time Lianne visited her in prison. Her wounds... Not even a slight scratch was healed. How can someone who was supposed to have a high mana flow can't even mend a simple wound? Adding to the fact that she came from the family of the Saintess.

If I remember correctly the last Saintess, the late Duchess' younger sister is still serving inside the temple of Ariad. According to the reports, Errissa was supposed to be sent to the temple as the next Saintess.

The Saintess would always retire once the one who will replace them fulfilled their training. Yet, Errissa was kept by the Duke inside the Dukedom until she entered the academy. A lot of rumors and whispers kept on circulating the moment she appeared in the social circle.

The temple kept on paying the Duke a visit to request for her to be sent to the temple for her training. It was a surprise when he kept on rejecting their visits.

If it weren't for his majesty, the temple's rage would already turn the kingdom upside down. And, the Saintess is also manipulating the temple from the shadows. Without someone who will replace her, she will continue to stay as the Saintess until a new one will be born.

And that is what his majesty has promised the temple, the firstborn daughter of the crown prince and Lianne.

That disgusting old man.

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