Chapter 26 : T R U S T

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Without any warning, his lips met mine as his hand made its way on the back of my head. While his other hand snuck on my back, making me shiver.

"So sweet..." he mutters, as he breaks the kiss for a second before pulling me back again.

This...! This is my first kiss here! I know I was curious earlier about kissing him but, he took me by surprise!

I try to push him but in doing so, his eyes flash an annoyed look as he forces me down on the couch.

"W-wait! What are you doing?!" I try to push him away, but he lay on top of me.

The position we are in right now... it's the same back in that room!

"Bathump!* Bathump!*

This is not good! I am not prepared for this kind of relationship!!


His lips once again claim mine as soon as a knock was heard on the door.

"...tsk!" he grumbles under his breath as he stands up from his position and adjusts his tie.

I let out a sigh of relief as I place my hand above my chest. My heart has been loudly pounding this whole time.

"What!" he yells angrily as he opens the door.

"My apologies, my lord. I have brought her as your order." I heard the butler apologize as I sit properly.

I grab my now cold tea and took a sip of it. I really can't stay here. I have a feeling that... for some reason, his personality is changing to the one in his bad ending.

But how is this possible? Only Lianne was supposed to trigger this reaction out of him.

I heard Silver let out a frustrated sigh before he glances at me. I flinch as his eyes stare at me for a solid minute before he opens the door widely.

"Greetings to the young lord, I humbly present myself as your new servant."

Did... Did I hear that right?? T-that voice!

I turn to see where the voice came from and identify a familiar face.

Sara! Its Sara!

I can't believe it! She's here!

Silver must have noticed my reaction as he murmurs something to the butler.

"Then I shall take my leave."

I stand up from my seat as I slowly walk towards them.

This... is real, right?

"S-Sara...?" I mutter as her eyes met mine.

"Yes, my lady?" she answers as a look of confusion appeared on her face.

"Ori, she will be your personal maid." Silver said as he pulls me close to him.

His voice snaps me from my thought, as I recall my current situation.

Right... I am not Errissa, instead, I am Orianna.

"It's a pleasure to meet my lady," Sara greeted me as she curtsies.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. I need to talk to her in private later. But first...

"It's nice to meet you too. Would you mind leaving us for a bit? I just have something to discuss with him," I calmly said with a smile on my lips.

I want to hug her so bad but I have to calm down first. She doesn't recognize me right now, since I have altered my appearance.

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