Chapter 68 : ̷P̷i̷e̷c̷e̷s̷ ̷O̷f̷ ̷T̷h̷e̷ ̷P̷a̷s̷t̷ ̷(̷2̷)̷

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The following scene is the same... with him still trying to convince Errissa to plead her case. If she were to admit her guilt and pleaded for mercy in front of the King then there is a chance of her not ending up on the guillotine. And if they are fortunate, the Crown Prince may allow him to monitor Errissa for her safety. Yet she remains stubborn and refuses to acknowledge her mistake.

"Didn't you say that you loved her? And so does she to you! So please explain to me why are you two like this! Why are you always constantly fighting? Why did you try so hard to kill her!" he yelled in frustration as he starts pacing in front of her cell.

It wasn't only Errissa's actions that he is puzzled about, but Lianne's as well. Both of them have constantly displayed their affection for one another and yet... They always constantly argue the next day. Constantly pushing one over the edge before pulling them close again.

To Aiden, it was nothing but annoying watchingly them act like that. He doesn't get what is their deal that made them act like that.

"Precisely because I love her. I love her to the point that I ended up loathing her. No matter how much I explain this to you, you would not understand it. You don't have any siblings do you?" Errissa said in a mocking tone.

"What does have anything to do with everything??" he asks with his eyebrow raised.

"Because we are siblings! You fool! No matter how much I explain whatever bond we have that ended up tearing us apart like this... you would not comprehend it!"

Aiden can feel his head throbbing in pain and confusion. He had heard this exact line from Lianne not so long ago. He can not grasp how they are similar when he is probing them like this.

"Then explain to me in a way I can understand!"

"Oh, will you shut up and leave! Why are you always hanging around here?! Don't you have anything better to do than to irritate me?"

"That is because I--," he starts to stutter, but his words got cut off when Errissa stomps her foot on the cold ground and glares at him.

"Don't you dare try and say that you like me! You know nothing about me! So just leave!! Go!!"

"Just--! Just listen to me! I don't want you dead!"

He can't help but feel hurt when Errissa stomps his feelings just like that.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

'But since when did I start having feelings for her? I- I don't remember any of this...'

His head then started began throbbing, and his world starts swaying. There is a voice in the back of his mind whispering repeatedly to him.

'Must remember... never forget... must remember... never forget...' these words continue to echo in his mind until the throbbing of his head stops before the voice quietly disappears.

He took a deep breath as he can feel cold sweats drip down his back.

"Just leave!! I beg of you leave me alone!" Errissa turns her back on him as he can feel his heartbreak into pieces from her pitiful state.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

'Just what are all these...? Why am I dreaming about something that did not happen? Or...'

*Bathump! Bathump!*

Despite the confusion he is feeling from what he is seeing, he still watched the scenes flashing in front of him.

He's begging for Errissa to admit her guilt and beg forgiveness to continue on until... things began changing as he feels the frustration and desperation overpower him. Or at least him inside this dream.

He broke the metal bar that is keeping Errissa inside her cell. As there are no guards here inside the prison whenever he visits, he seized this chance to break her out of the prison. It was only a matter of time before the day she will be hung on the gallows. And he will not allow that to happen... Not until he has the chance or the power to prevent it.

"What are you doing??" Errissa shrieked in surprise as he grabs her arm before pulling her to stand up.

Confusion and bewilderment can be seen on her face as she stares at the broken bars of her cell.

"Let's go! I won't let them kill you!" he spoke in a hurry as he starts preparing a spell to create an illusion that will buy them some time for them to escape the kingdom.

But it was halted when he received a slap on his cheek. The stinging pain made his eyes widen in surprise as he turns his attention to Errissa who is staring at him with a look of fury.

"Are you out of your mind!!! How and why are you even doing this?! Do you want them to think that I have already manipulated you?! Huh?! Is that what you want?! Answer me!!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she continued to glare at him.

Aiden clenches his jaw and took a deep breath to calm his anger.

"YES!!! Alright! I am out of my mind!! I lost my mind the moment I have fallen for you! Fudge! I did not even realize my own feelings not until Alaric is condemning you for your actions! And who cares about what will they think! This is my own decision! I will take full responsibility for this! And for you! So stop being so stubborn and let me help you!" he let everything out. He allows his emotion to take over him for the first time in his life.

It felt good... the heavy feeling that is lingering inside his heart had lightened up from what he has yelled. All the while his heart continues thumping from his confession.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

"Ha...! Y-you! Ha! I can not believe this! What did you even like about me for you to act like this! Don't you care about what will happen to your mages?! They will also be punished for this action of yours! You fool!" she tries to sound angry yet her cheeks betray her.

Her cheeks are rosy red from overhearing his confession.

"I like everything about you!" he blurted out making Errissa flinch as her eyes widen in surprise.


"No... I love every little thing about you, and I have no idea when it started! Fudge! I am also confused as to why I started falling for you when I thought I had a crush on your sister but no! My heart starts thumping more and more whenever I see you! I can not even fall asleep because you keep appearing in my dreams! My eyes will strain from staring at you from the distance because I miss you so much! I love you!" It was such a clumsy confession, yet he did not care.

At this point, Aiden can feel his own cheeks heating up in embarrassment from hearing his own words spouting cheesy nonsense.

'What in the world?? Who is this person??' 

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