Chapter 89 : A Sister's Love

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I spoke as I stare at her golden eyes, fully expecting her to react positively to this news. And yet, that wasn't the case.

"W-what? You found her...?" her face turns pale the moment I spoke those words.

What kind of reaction is this? Why is she shaking in fear like this?

"Why are you reacting like that, sister? I thought you would be happy to know that she is alive?"

I thought it was odd that she reacted like this when she found out that our mother is the cause of this repeated timeline. But now...

Her lips start quivering as she tries to take deep breaths. I try to catch her line of sight, but she remains staring at her tea.

"I... I just..." she stuttered as she took another deep breath before shifting her attention to me.

"The accident... the carriage accident... What do you remember from that day?" she asks in a faint tone.

Pardon...? Why is that topic being brought up so suddenly??

"Why are you suddenly talking about that?"

"Just please answer me."

I raise my eyebrow at her desperate look as I let out a weary sigh.

How would I remember something that happened a long time ago? I was way too young to recall anything! And besides, has she forgotten how many lives I have lived to remember something that happens during our first life?!

"My memory of that day is blurry. I have no idea what happened in that accident," I told her truthfully as I took a sip of my tea.

My... it has gone cold. I should ask Sara to brew this again.

"I see..." she replies as she bit her lips.

"What is it? If you want to say something then please do. Or else we would not be able to finish what we need to discuss."

"I... our mother tried to kill me back then!" she burst out as she closes her eyes.

I stop myself from taking a bite of the cookie I am holding as I shift my attention to her. I should be thankful that I wasn't drinking tea or else I would have already spit out from her sudden outburst.

"I'm sorry...? Did I hear that right? Tried to kill... you? Our mother did...?" I try to repeat what she has declared as my mind slowly processes everything.

What is this...? What kind of situation is this...? Why are there so many surprises when I thought that I had everything under control??


What's with this silence? Why is she still hesitating to talk?

The more this silence continues to stretch, the more I feel like my sanity is slowly falling apart... once again. And if it breaks again... I don't know if I can escape that darkness. The darkness that took over me... provided me the strength to do all the impossible things I wasn't aware I was capable of. And it made me embrace completely the title of Villainess.

But now... I'm trying to live differently, to escape this nightmare... and maybe one day, I will get to live that life again. The life that was taken away from me.

I let out a sigh as I shake my thoughts away and focus my attention back on my sister... who squirms in her seat. This is making me impatient. If she has something to say, then she needs to state it.

"Come on Lianne! Tell me what you know!" For the peace of my mind!

"I... I'm the reason why the carriage explodes!" she blurted out as she closes her eyes.

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