Chapter 56 : Clues Hiding In The Dark

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The sound of the bell chiming echoes together with the cheers and congratulations of the citizens, and the nobles. Colorful flowers and papers are raining down on the streets as they celebrate the long-awaited wedding of the Kingdom.

Errissa's POV

I can't believe she allowed me to come here. After I have been caught that night... I thought she would have ended me. But that wasn't the case...

'Auntie... just what kind of secrets are you hiding?'

As our carriage enters the palace's gate, the memory of that night appeared in my mind.

'For the recent week, I have done nothing but memorize the schedules and routines of the knights, servants, and sisters of the Temple. I paid special attention to their night routines and the places that one cannot easily access.

Surprisingly... some nobles came from the neighboring kingdoms and some from far away kingdoms, who lined up just to be healed by the Saintess. This is the only time I have discovered that this is the only Temple there is in existence. The ones that were built across the continents have all perished and were destroyed by the people. It was all because none of the healers there possess light magic.

Yeah... that is basically the only reason why they have destroyed the Temples that have long been built inside their kingdom. Hmm... maybe that is also the reason why the Temple has to insist on naming the first Duchess to be the Saintess?

Since she was the only one in existence to possess a light element.

That is why the Temple of Ariad is the only remaining Temple there is. Therefore nobles and citizens who want to be healed have to journey all the way to the Alinac Kingdom just to be rid of their illness. They want the Saintess to heal any illness that cannot be cured by doctors.

I pity those healers who were chased away from the place they once called home. Just because the citizens don't have any trust in their healing capabilities. But that happened years ago, way before the Alinac Kingdom became a stable kingdom.

I heard that some healers that were driven away were all hired here to assist the Saintess. They are the ones who assist the patients first before sending them to her.

"Sara... Remember what I informed you. If I don't come back within an hour, come and find me to the door I have briefed you, okay?" I whisper to Sara as I bind my hair up.

It's already late in the night and no one is awake except for us. I have already informed Sara about my plan and the mission I have received from the Prince. And as expected, she tried to stop me from completing the mission since she doesn't want me to be involved in another troublesome event.

"My lady are you sure about this? Why don't I do this for you instead?" Sara whispers as she clasps my hand halting me from opening our door.

"Sara... it will be fine. I have already gained their trust here. No one will suspect me if they ended up finding me inside her office. In addition, I need you to talk to her," I whisper to Sara as I hand her a small piece of paper.

Sara's eyes widen in surprise before she merely nodded as she let go of my hand. I know she is feeling uncomfortable talking to Rose, but... there was something I need to give to her. Something that I have seen in the dream I had last night.


There are things that I can finally recall... Things that I wasn't certain it was my memories at first. But as time goes by, those memories are starting to get clearer. And the day I met Rose... there is something inside of me that seems to awaken.

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