Chapter 19 : The Darkness Of Night

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I can't sleep!!

Who would be able to sleep comfortably after reading that info!

My brain has been pounding painfully after trying to process all of it. I tried finding more clues about the author inside that box or from those letters... But nothing! The letters contain more information regarding the Redmond family. It was composed by the former Duchess to pass down to the next generation.

To why it was sent to me by my mother and not to Lianne is probably because Lianne will get married to the Prince and become a future Queen. Come to think of it... shouldn't it be sent to the lady that will be Rian's future wife?

Or is the author really Duchess Lianna? And is this her trying to alter Errissa's future by sending her this information?

I let out a sigh as I remove my blanket. This won't do... I need to distract myself or else I would lose my mind!

I have been tossing around my bed for an hour now. In the end, I decided to stand up from my bed and walk around the room as I lit up the lights and relit the fire in the fireplace. The Winter season is just around the corner as the nights begin to get colder.

Even with this coat that was given to me by Lianne, it barely help with the coldness of the night. That is why I'm thankful for this fireplace, the only problem is that I have to wake up before the fire runs out.

"I wish Sara would be here to help me at night..."

That gives me an idea... Can I ask her to sleep here with me? I mean, there is still plenty of space here. But is that allowed? I'm sure it's not, right? Considering my current situation...

"Ugh... What should I do?" I let out a sigh as I hug my pillow.

"Hmm?" out of the corner of my eyes, something seems to be shining inside the drawer of the nightstand.

Before I can even react, my hand move on its own and opens the lid of the drawer... revealing the skeleton key necklace that was given to me. The outline of the key is glowing lightly as I gently hold it in my hand.

"You must remember my sweet Errissa. You must never let go of this. This will be yours in the future and only yours," a gentle voice whispers in my ear.

"It's... mine?"

"You must claim what is rightfully yours. All the answers that you seek, you will find behind that door. Now go my dear child."

As if on a dazed, my feet move on their own as I walk towards the door, holding the key tightly in my hand.


The next thing I knew, I am standing right in front of the Duchess' locked room. I glance down and saw my hand gripping the key with the other holding the doorknob.

"How in the world did I get here? Weren't there two knights guarding the outside of my room?" I mumble in surprise as I glance at the dark quiet hallway.

A chill sent a shiver down my spine as I walk closer to the door.

"Should I just enter this room since I'm already here?" I mutter as I slid the key in the keyhole before trying the knob.

And with a satisfying click, the door is now open. I was about to push it open when a shout coming from the end of the hallway made me jump in surprise.

"There she is!! Grab her! Stop her from opening that room!!"

I turn to see the Duke with an angry expression, holding a lamp in one hand as his other hand is pointing at me. Behind him are a group of six knights and some servants of the mansion.

In a panic, I push the door open and tried to enter it when someone pushes me hard down on the cold wooden floor. My forehead hit the floor hard as I can feel it pounding painfully before I felt something warm trickling down my nose, as the smell of iron lingers.

"You ungrateful brat!! How dare you covet something that doesn't belong to you!!" The Duke's angry voice echoes in my ear as I felt someone stomp me on my back.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming in pain as he kept on stomping on me before he finally kicks me in my stomach.

"Your grace!!" I heard someone exclaim as they tried to stop him from hitting me again.

My eyes are blurry with tears as I felt someone kneel beside me.

"My lady!" the familiar voice of Sara made me look up to her.

"S-Sara...! Hic...!" The moment I saw the tears in her eyes, my own tears began flowing uncontrollably as I hiccup through them.

She pulls me closer to her before gently hugging me, careful to not touch my wounded back.

"How dare you...! Lock up this imbecile in the basement! Make sure no one will give her meals and water! And you! Grab this maid and whip her twenty times before locking her up in the same room! And if what happened here reaches Galvin and Lianne... all of you will pay the price! Am I making myself clear?!" he orders as two knights forcefully grab me away from Sara as two knights grab both Sara's arms.


No! No! I can't let this happen! Sara will get punished because of me!

"My lady!! I beg you, your grace! Please don't this to my lady!" she begs as she pushes away the knights and clings to the Duke's legs.

The Duke stared at her before he glanced at me, a cruel smirk formed on his lips.

"Bring this maid to my room," he orders as his eyes never left mine. way!!

"Sara!!! NO!!! Please!!! Don't do this to her!!! I beg you!!!" I try wriggling away from the knights as they continue dragging me away while Sara is being dragged away.

"My lady!!! My lady!!!" she keeps on screaming until we can no longer see each other.

Our cries are loud enough to echo on the dark hallway... Yet no one has come to our rescue.


"Sara... Sara..." I continue to mumble as my throbbing hand kept on pounding the steel door of the basement.

I have no idea how long ago I was thrown inside this cold and dark basement. My throat is already hoarse from all the shouting I have done as my hand is now bleeding from all the punching I did on the door to get their attention.

No one... No one came...

No matter how much I scream, no matter how much I beg... nor no matter how much I hit this door. No one heard my calling.

Sara... It's all my fault...

Why did I even try to open that door?? Why did I even try to escape?! Why did I...

It's all my fault... everything is all my fault...

I should not have done anything at all... I should have just stayed still in that room and kept my mouth shut. No matter how much kindness they have shown me, no matter how many gifts they have given me... I should not have trusted them.

I shout for my brother's name all night to ask for his help, yet not even his shadow peek in the room.

Not even butler Thoma has done anything to help me. He was there last night staring at us with such pity in his eyes, yet he has done nothing to help.

Only Sara did... she is the only one who has tried to help me. She is the only one who... she is the only one I can trust.

Sara is the only one I can trust.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Sara... It's all my fault," Tears are once again pouring into my eyes as I hug my knees.

I can't bear to imagine just what kind of horrible things the Duke did to her. Just what kind of father is he? How can he bear to do this to his own flesh and blood? How can he bear to lay his hand on someone who is the same age as his daughter?

Just... why?

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