Chapter 11 : Duke Redmond

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The butler, Mr. Thoma, quietly introduced himself to me while the others are distracted. It looks like the story of me losing my memories has already spread here. He said that he had been working here since he was young, and his family has been loyal to the Redmond family.

There is no doubt that he thoroughly knows the personality of the original Errissa. Should I ask for more information from him? I can see that he did not even look at me with disgust nor hatred, the look he has in his eyes is someone that truly cares for her... for Errissa.

*Knock!* *Knock!*

The sound of someone knocking on the door arose me up from my thoughts as I stare at the mahogany door in front of us.

"Come in," A deep voice answers from the other side of the door as butler Thoma opens it.

Rian is the first one to enter before Lianne enters behind him. As I was about to enter, Butler Thoma whisper a quiet 'good luck to me.

I felt an intense gaze shift on me the moment I enter the room. There I saw him, sitting behind the mahogany desk, a man with black hair and sharp silver-grey eyes... Duke Alkan Redmond, Errissa's father. He is the current head of the Redmond Duchy, after the disappearance of the Duchess.

He observes me from head to toe before he directs his attention back to Rian.

"I will let you deal with her. From now on, don't bother me with anything regarding her. Once her sentence gets settled, throw her back to the prison immediately so I can announce that we are severing our ties with her." he coldly said as he glance back at the documents in front of him.

This... Doesn't surprise me but at the same time, I can't help but feel disappointed and hurt by his words. So he is already preparing to cut off his ties with his once beloved daughter after the mistakes she did in which he turns a blind eye.

In all honesty, he has a part of why she became such a villainess to everyone. If he disciplines her from the very beginning and did not consent to all her whims, then maybe... then maybe she would still be here with them. She would have probably grown closer to her siblings, and they would live harmoniously and support one another.

But that didn't happen all because this person, this so-called father of them did not care at all.

I can feel all the original Errissa's resentment against the Duke, bubbling deep inside of me.

"What do you mean by severing our ties with her? Are you planning to erase her from the family tree??" Rian asks the Duke as he grips his hand tightly.

"That's right. That woman tarnished the family's reputation and ruined the image of our family. Therefore why are you expecting me to keep her as part of the Redmond family tree?" he answers calmly as he continues approving the documents he is holding.

He really doesn't care about anything but his work and reputation, huh?

"Papa!" a cheerful voice called out to the man wearing a frown on his face as he let out a sigh.

He shifts his attention to the small girl hugging his knees with a cheerful smile on her face.

"Let go, Errissa. I don't have time to deal with you," he coldly said as he pushes the young girl away, making her fall on the ground.

My world suddenly sways as I lean on the bookshelf beside me. I try to take deep breathes as my mind keeps on pounding painfully.

What was that? Why did that suddenly appear inside my mind?

"Is that how you will treat your daughter? Just what kind of father are you to let this all happen in the first place?" I overheard Rian's tone rise a bit as he took a step toward the desk.

"Rubian! How dare you questioned me! Butler Thoma, escort the knights and this woman to that room. Do not ever let her out of that room! Make sure to not allow anyone to visit her without my permission," The Duke angrily orders as I was pushed out of the room by the knights before I heard the protest of both Rian and Lianne.


"Father, please!"

The door to that room closes, cutting off their pleading voices.

"This way please," Butler Thoma said as he leads us to the room where I will be temporarily be held.

Every servant, that we passed by either glanced away from me or secretly glare at me whenever Butler Thoma is not paying attention to them.

I guess she did some terrible deeds to them too. I guess Errissa is the same as a typical villainess that harassed all her servants whenever she is in a bad mood.

We went deeper into the mansion as we ascended on the second floor of the mansion. The heels of the shoes that I'm currently wearing echo from every step I took.

The more I observe part of this place... the more my heart began thumping wildly inside of me. There was this... this somewhat familiar feeling I gain from recognizing this place. I can clearly picture all the places I can access and the places that I won't be able to access without keys.

For example, the Duchess's room located on this floor, the prestigious ivory white door embellished with golden rose. This door possesses a unique key that was specifically designed to open it. No one can enter this except the one who owns the key, which was given to the Duchess by the previous head.

I think this door was created by the very first Duchess of the Redmond family. The purpose of this is unknown, and only the key holders are the only ones that can enter this place. Not even maids are allowed inside, with an exemption of the one they mark as their most trusted maid.

Since the first Duchess is the one who created this door, it became a tradition to pass the key to the next Duchess.

But... how in the world did I know of this information?? Didn't I lose all my memories and Errissa's?? So why the moment I enter this place that I remember some information I wasn't aware of?


"Is there something wrong?" Butler Thoma's voice woke me up from my daze, I wasn't even aware that I was staring at this door.

I shake my head before responding to him," No, it's nothing."

He stares at me for a while before glancing back at the door.

"Then let's continue," he said as he starts walking again.

I feel like something odd happened just now... But I can't put my finger on it.

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