Chapter 30 : Awakening

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'Mother... I now understand the meaning behind your words. But, I haven't figured out how did you come to know about this. Just... what kind of secrets have you been shouldering all this time?' He thought to himself as he stares at the sleeping face of Errissa.

"The young miss' mana seems to be a bit unstable earlier. She is experiencing a normal body reaction when one unlocks their mana control," The doctor explains.

"Mana control? How could she experience something that an eight-year-old would experience?" He asks in confusion.

Unlocking one's mana control is something one can experience once one turned eight years old. It was a natural phase to fully control their mana. One of the side effects of this is suffering from a high fever that will last for days. Once the fever died down, one will have their magic at a full level before it will return to normal after a day or two.

During this moment, that is when they will be examined to know what element they can control.

"T-that is right. However, if I may, my lord... the young miss was unconscious during her test. No one was able to figure out what element she can control. Although there are speculations, that since she is hailed from the Redmond bloodline, she may bear with a light element."


It is only natural to assume she has a light element, however... not all that is born within the Redmond bloodline are born with the light element. Some are born with water and wind elements.

The reason why Errissa wasn't awake the moment when she was supposed to attend the test, was because of that accident. It left her in a coma for a long time, and her mana returned to normal before the head mage was able to test her magic.

Although unknown to the public's knowledge, Duke Redmond himself tested Errissa's mana two days after she woke up. And when they found out that she can control dark elements, they shut everyone who witnessed it.

No one had a chance to even utter a word about it, especially when 'Errissa' practically manipulated everyone.


I... feel odd.

Despite my body feeling warmer than usual, there is this... peaceful feeling inside me. A light feeling seems to overshadow all those nervous feelings that I once had. Just what is this? Something is bubbling inside me... something, warm.

Opening my eyes, the familiar ceiling greets me before I turn to my right where I can see a familiar sleeping head.

"...Sara?" I mutter with my hoarse voice.

"Hmm?" She lifts up her sleepy head before wiping the sleepiness from her eyes.

I don't remember sleeping last night, and why is she sleeping on the stool instead of the couch?


"M-my lady! My lady is awake!" She exclaims as soon as her eyes met mine, before running outside the room.

O-kay? What happened to her?

Soon enough I heard a series of footsteps before the door burst open revealing... my brother, Lianne? Sara and a doctor were behind them.

"Errissa!!" the two exclaimed as they rushed towards me with worry in their eyes.

I blink in surprise at how they are acting. As I glance at Sara to ask what is happening, Rian turns to look at the doctor... who was busily checking my pulse.

"How is she?" he asks.

Umm... you can just me how I'm doing.

"The young miss is fine now. She will just need to rest for a while," the doctor answers.

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