Chapter 57 : Wedding day ( ̷J̷u̷s̷t̷ ̷A̷ ̷D̷r̷e̷a̷m̷?̷)

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After that... I became closer to Auntie than to any of my siblings. Partly because both she and I now share a secret that one cannot tell so easily.

"Why are you making such a face?" I snap out of my thought when I overheard Auntie's voice calling out to me.

Ah? That is right we are currently on the way to the main palace because of Lia's wedding. I was surprised when she asked me to come with her. I thought she wouldn't allow me to leave considering my position.

"It's nothing, Auntie. I am merely thinking about what kind of commotion will happen once I enter the wedding hall," I answer as I turn to look at her. I am currently sitting beside her inside the carriage.

I mean what I have said is true since the rumors about me haven't died down yet. I am pretty sure there will be new rumors that will spread about me after the wedding.

"Hmm... Yeah, you will definitely capture some attention but don't be bothered by it. Instead, seize this chance to let them see how much you have changed. And if someone is bothering you... I will take care of them," she responds as she gave me a pat on my head.

A-ah?? I-I wha- this is kind of embarrassing yet at the same time it feels... nice?

But the way she said those words kind of feels like... she will take care of them in a more losing their life. Hopefully, it wasn't like that.


Silver's POV

I had a bizarre dream. It has always occurred to me every night ever since the winter started. I have no idea why that dream kept on show. Yet... I have this feeling that it's something important.

In that dream, I have a lover... no, a wife. Someone with such mesmerizing eyes and soft lips. My heart will always beat faster whenever I hear her voice or whenever I held her in my arms.

I... longed to see her. I want to meet her.

My heart will always squeeze painfully in my chest whenever I was inside that dream. I can hear a voice that keeps informing me of what I should do. And my body will blindly follow it... even though my wife hated my actions.

Whenever I woke up from that dream... I repeatedly shout for her name trying to look for her all over our residence. But she was nowhere to be seen. And it's making my heart, ache whenever she disappeared from my arms.

"Ori! Ori! Where are you?!"

"Your grace! The young master is-!"

"You foolish man! Lock him up! We cannot allow him to go out in such a state!"

My grandpa thought that I must just be losing my mind from having been rejected by Lia. That is the reason why they have kept me locked in my room. But I know... I know it was real. I know she is real. I can feel it.

And I will find her, no matter what it takes.

Errissa's POV

Ah... just as I thought, all eyes are on me the moment I enter the wedding hall.

"Chin up. I didn't make you pretty just so you can hide your face. Maintain a smile on your face and ignore their whispers. They won't be capable to do anything when you have confidence in yourself," I heard Auntie whisper beside me as we made our way to the altar.

Despite knowing we are here to attend Lia's wedding... Auntie still insists on putting some light makeup on me. Though it wasn't that noticeable to avoid any malicious rumors going around.

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