Chapter 51 : Dark Seed

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Errissa's POV

"Make sure to clean the sheets thoroughly and gently! The sheets that her grace uses have come from all the way from the east continent!" The one in charge of guiding me, Sister Riolla said as she places more sheets on the basket.

It has been four days since I arrived here at the Temple and have been doing nothing but chores. The same can be said of Sara who I can only meet during meal times and at night time in our room. Our room is located near the building where Auntie lives.

We both have been assigned different tasks and assignments which is why we barely see each other. Especially since I still have training with Auntie every early morning and before going to sleep. At times, I also accompany her whenever she prays in the prayer room or when she needs to heal someone.

While Sara is mainly assigned to help in receiving guests and in the kitchen area.

Right now, it is past lunchtime and I am currently doing laundry work.

"Yes, Sister Riolla," I simply respond with a smile on my face before grabbing the heavy basket full of white sheets.

Oof! It is really heavy! If this continues I will gain some muscles in my arms.

"I will come back to see you after the task Sister Zahi has given me. Do you remember the way to the laundry area?" she asks before glancing at the corridor we are currently standing.

Sister Zahi is ranked above her that is why she has to follow her orders first. Sister Zahi has almond color skin, long, curly brunette hair, and grey eyes. While Sister Riolla on the other hand has long auburn hair, upturned black eyes, and a mole on the end of her nose.

"Yes, don't worry Sister. Since Sister Riolla is the one that has been guiding me... I have managed to memorize the way," I spoke in a cheerful tone with a bright smile plaster on my lips.

I can see her face flush in embarrassment as she coughs lightly.

"O-of course, then I will leave you now. Remember to be careful around the hallways since there are a lot of visitors currently residing here," she said in a more calm tone.

Ever since my stay here, I managed to find a way to remain on their good side here. Just keep a cheerful smile on your lips and answer in a more bright and gentle tone. Also, keep on praising them, and you can survive your way here.

Especially Sister Riolla, she is weak against praises and cheerful smiles. Thankfully, I have observed Lia enough to actually know how to produce that kind of smile.

The first thing that Aiden advised me to do here, is to observe the surroundings and the characteristics of the people here. He said I would be able to survive if I have a grasp of what they are like and if I know what triggers their good and bad mood.

"Good luck Sister!" I bid her goodbye before walking down the hallway.

So far, I haven't had enough time to actually look around this place. I always have someone with me wherever I go and this will be the first time I will be on my own.

But... I can't believe how heavy this basket is! To think that being a maid back then will help me with my current situation.

I let out a sigh as I carefully balance the basket in my arms.

"Are you alone now?" I jump in surprise as soon as I heard a quiet voice whisper in my ears.

"Aiden! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaim in a low voice as I took a deep breath to soothe my racing heart.

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