Chapter 72 : Past And Present

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Errissa's POV

This hallway is pretty dim...

The only lights here are wall lamps that are using mana stone. But the lamps are so miniature that they barely lit this long narrow hallway. Oh, right! Thanks to the pocket knife that Ilia have given to me, I used it to open the lock of my chains and the door.

It's also a good thing that I have not told Auntie about the knife, Or else I would not be able to escape that prison.

I have also instructed Sara and Ilia that if I were not to come back to our room before dawn then that means something has happened to me . And they are free to move if that is the case. I still have at least couple more hours but I know that they are likely preparing to move.

The sole thing we lack is the Crown Prince's assistance to capture the Cardinal. Hopefully, Aiden will deliver my message to him as soon as possible. Now, that things have come to this... I wonder if Auntie will still continue to act as his ally or if will she finally fights back against him.

"Now then... I need to find the right corridor that will lead me back to the prison cells," I mumble to myself as I continue to roam the dim hallway.

I was touching the walls when I accidentally push an odd part of the brick wall that caused the wall near it to open. A long, narrow hallway appeared behind the wall as the lights soon flickered to life.

"Just how many secret hallways do this place have??" I mutter to myself as I walk down the alternative path.

The more I walk down this hallway, the more I can hear the sounds of screaming and crying of children. I can feel my heart thumping loudly in my chest with every step I took.

"Help!!! Help me!!! Nooo!!" I halt in my steps as soon as I heard that scream clearly before the sound of something falling to the ground with a thud.

"Ha! This child's mana tastes stale! Just what kind of medicines is she supplying them for their mana to taste like this!" a deep roaring voice spoke, that made me flinch.

Right at the bottom of these stairs is a wooden door that leads to that room.

*Bathump! Bathump!*

Why... am I feeling like this?

For some reason... this all feels so familiar. Like I have witnessed this kind of situation before. But when and where exactly?

"P-please! Help me! I want to g-go home!"

A familiar voice echoes in my mind as memories slowly began flooding in.

I can see myself standing in front of a basement door... One that looks vaguely familiar to me. Wait, hold on... this is the same basement door back at the Redmond Mansion!

"H-help, please! I want to go home! I want my mama! Mama! Mama!" the pitiful scream of a little girl began to echo in that gloomy basement.

*Bathump! Bathump!

It wasn't only my heart that is beating fast, my head is also pounding painfully as I clutch it.

Just what is this? What is happening??

I try taking deep breaths as I glance back to the door in front of me.

"W-what is this??"

The moment I looked back at the door... The memories that are flashing in my mind seem to appear before me.

It seems like my vision is mixing between the present reality and the memories in my head. I can witness both scenes playing in front of me.

The Heroine's Little SisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora